Aarhus University Seal

AUFF grant to CFIN researchers

CFIN researchers Postdoc Lau Møller Andersen, Professor Sune Nørhøj Jespersen, and Professor Sarang S. Dalal have received funding for a AUFF NOVA project.

Postdoc Lau Møller Andersen

Lau Møller Andersen, Sune Jespersen and Sarang Dalal have received 595.000 DKK from AUFF to the project ”Unlocking human cerebellar electrophysiology with random matrix theory”.

The aim of the 1 year project starting Summer 2020 and spearheaded by Lau Møller Andersen is to develop Random Matrix Theory based denoising of MEG to reliably capture cerebellar signals, where low signal-to-noise (SNR) is currently the key obstacle. Random Matrix Theory was developed in theoretical physics to e.g. calculate energy levels in nuclear physics and disordered systems, but can be used as a principle to separate noise and signal in redundant data such as MEG. This is anticipated to substantially boost SNR of MEG, and in a longer perspective pave the way for MEG research into the cognitive aspects of the cerebellum.


More information about the project:

Lau Møller Andersen

Sune Nørhøj Jespersen

Sarang S. Dalal