New special issue of Scientific Reports: "The bodily self"
The Collection features work exploring different aspects of bodily self-consciousness, such as body ownership, body awareness, and the first-person perspective.

The bodily self
A sense of self through which we experience and interact with the world is a key aspect of most of our awake state. As such, how our brain creates a sense of self is of great interest, to both psychologists and cognitive neuroscientists. This Collection focuses on how our brain integrates and applies external and internal signals to give rise to bodily self-consciousness, as well as what the purpose of a bodily self could be, and how it changes under different conditions. The Collection features work exploring different aspects of bodily self-consciousness, such as body ownership, body awareness, and the first-person perspective. Additionally, studies investigating factors that influence our sense of self - interoceptive and exteroceptive signals, multisensory integration, internal body states, or social context - will be included. We present research on the neurotypical population as well as psychiatric conditions associated with disturbances of the self.
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Jane Aspell / Morten Overgaard / Catherine Preston