Aarhus University Seal

PhD course in Neuroscience (Beijing, China)

The SDC-Yanqihu 2019 Neuroscience-Challenge PhD Course will be held on 6 - 10 November 2019 in Beijing. Sign up deadline is 9 October 2019. NB! Travel grants are available.

SDC-Yanqihu 2019 Neuroscience-Challenge PhD-Course.

Please note that travel grants are available for course participants.

Module details
Brain information processing and behavior – BIB (3.6 ECTS)

Time frame
6 - 10 November 2019. Course can be attended anytime during PhD thesis work.

Target group and requirements
The course is targeted at students in fields such as neurobiology, omics, life science engineering, models of neurological diseases, and human brain imaging (fMRI, PET).

We require knowledge and understanding of neuroscience at a level en par with a Master’s degree. 

The course is primarily open to PhD students from all Danish universities, as well as PhD students from Chinese institutions collaborating with Sino Danish Center (the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS)). 

Others are also welcome to sign up for the course, but PhD students will be given first priority.

Module coordinator team

  • Chris Bailey, MSc, PhD, Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University (cjb@cfin.au.dk).
  • Jens Midtgaard, MD, PhD, Center for Neuroscience, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Copenhagen University (jmidtgaard@sund.ku.dk).
  • Jens Randel Nyengaard, MD, DMSc, Core Center for Molecular Morphology, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University (jrnyengaard@clin.au.dk).

Aim and content
The objectives of this course are

  1. to give the student an overview of cutting-edge approaches for the study of neural function, brain information processing and behavior
  2. to give the student the opportunity to get acquainted with international experts in these scientific fields. The format of the course aims at facilitating scientific interactions between the international speakers and the participants.

This course provides an overview of current approaches to the study of the nervous system. Modern neuroscience is experiencing a very rapid expansion of the palette of methods for large-scale analysis of molecules, cells and neural networks. Examples of these include gene expression, proteomics and connectomics. At the same time, the physiological analysis of single molecules, cells and behavior continue apace. All of these approaches eventually link to the explanation of specific behaviors and overall principles for neural information processing. This symposium will provide an intense environment for interactions between students and an international panel of speakers, with the aim of fostering novel ideas, generating technical developments and laying the ground for future collaborations.

Module structure and teaching approach
Each subject will be covered by international scientists presenting their own research, followed by Question and Answer sessions led by students organized in study groups.

Learning objectives
Please see attached document.  

Number of participants
Up to 25, seats allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. PhD students will be given first priority.

Sino-Danish Center Building, Yanqihu UCAS Campus, Beijing (China).

Accommodation and travel
Accommodation during the course is free and there are travel grants available. Please contact Jens Randel Nyengaard (jrnyengaard@clin.au.dk) for more information.

Current international original scientific papers and reviews.

Assignment and exam

Sign up
Click here to sign up for the course. Sign up deadline is 9 October 2019.

Talent development, PhD students, Graduate School of Health, Graduate School of Health, Collaboration, Academic staff