PhD defense: Signe Hagner Mårup
We are very happy to invite you to the PhD defense of Signe Hagner Mårup.
Info about event
Eduard Biermann auditorium, Building 1252, room 204, Bartholins Allé 3, 8000 Aarhus C

The dissertation will be available for public inspection in a digital version before the defence. To obtain a digital version of the dissertation, please contact
Signe Hagner Mårup at, no later than 4 February 202515:00 CET.
The defence will be conducted in English and is open to the public.
The defence is arranged by the School of Communication and Culture and Center for Music in the Brain.
After the defence, a reception will be hosted by Center for Music in the Brain in the Pavilion, Center for Music in the Brain, Universitetsbyen 3, building 1710.
Assessment Committee
- Mikkel Wallentin, Professor, Department of Linguistics, Cognitive Science and Semiotics, Aarhus University (Chair)
- Anne Danielsen, Professor, Department of Musicology, University of Oslo
- Eckart Altenmülle, Professor, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
Main Supervisor
- Peter Vuust, Professor, Department of Clinical Medicine - Center for Music in the Brain, Aarhus University
- Steen Kaargaard Nielsen, Associate Professor, Department of Dramaturgy and Musicology, Aarhus University
- Cecilie Møller, Department of Clinical Medicine - Center for Music In the Brain, Aarhus University