Aarhus University Seal

Research grant from the Riisfort Foundation

A research project headed by Associate Professor at Aarhus University, Kim Ryun Drasbek, will study the beneficial effects of so called conditioning in patients with ischemic stroke. The project has received a grant of 202,500 DKK from the Riisfort Foundation.

Associate professor Kim Ryun Drasbek

In the project Exploring protective effects of remote ischemic conditioning in stroke, the researchers exploit the body’s ability to produce miRNA molecules, and that the type and amount of these can be altered by outside factors. Changes in miRNAs are seen after a special stimulation called conditioning, where blood flow to an arm repeatedly is stopped in a controlled manner.

Furthermore, the amount and surface of the small particles that transports the miRNAs throughout the body changes after conditioning – especially the surface changes can enable the stimulated particles to target areas of disease in the body. Although the mechanism behind conditioning remains unknown, beneficial effects of conditioning have been observed in acute myocardial infarct and stroke patients who experience better survival and overall outcome.

The researchers will study if the changes in miRNAs is the key to understanding the beneficial effects of conditioning and based on this knowledge be able to offer improved treatments. In the future, the organ protecting miRNAs can be developed into new medications for patients suffering ischemia in the brain or heart.


Associate Professor Kim Ryun Drasbek, Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN) at Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and Aarhus University Hospital.

Mobil: 30 27 47 79
E-mail: ryun@cfin.au.dk