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DNC/NCA guest Talk: Tristan Bekinschtein, University of Cambridge

Dr. Tristan Bekinschtein from University of Cambridge is visiting CFIN and will give a DNC/NeuroCampus Aarhus guest talk

Info about event


Wednesday 10 September 2014,  at 13:30 - 14:30


DNC Auditorium, Aarhus University Hospital, Building 10G, Nørrebrogade 44, Aarhus C.


CFIN / Yury Shtyrov
Dr. Tristan Bekinschtein

"Transitions of consciousness: how wakefulness modulates different aspects of cognition"


Understanding levels of consciousness and the transitions between conscious and unconscious states has important theoretical and clinical implications. Yet despite the fact that we typically enter a state of unconsciousness every night, remarkably little is known about how we fall asleep or lose consciousness while getting sedated. In a series of hd-EEG experiments of people falling asleep or getting sedated with propofol, we explored the limits of perceptual and semantic decisions, inhibitory control, top-down and bottom-up target detection and introspection. We found there is a differential modulation of the cognitive control capacities by wakefulness. In the transition to unconsciousness, drowsiness affects inhibitory control and top-down target detection earlier than perceptual and abstract (semantic) decisions. We can take decisions, learn, perceive when losing consciousness and even when unconscious, but these are different. We believe these results may help to link experimentally the Information Integration Theory of Consciousness and the Global Neuronal Workspace Theory.

Read more about Tristan Bekinschtein

After the talk DNC offers refreshments - coffee and cake.