Adam Krims Memorial Prize for Maria Witek
CFIN researcher in the Music In the Brain group (MIB), Maria Witek has just been awarded the Adam Krims Memorial Prize

The Society for Music Analysis (SMA) has just announced that the winner of the Adam Krims Memorial Prize is Maria A. G. Witek for her essay ‘”Filling In”: The Relationship Between Body-Movement, Pleasure and Syncopation in Groove’, first presented as a paper at the popMAC conference, University of Liverpool, in July 2013.
The panel of judges included Anne Danielsen (University of Oslo), Nicholas Reyland (University of Keele), Rob Strachan (University of Liverpool) and Nicola Dibben (University of Sheffield).
The prize of £500 has been donated by the Adam Krims estate, the SMA and the University of Nottingham.