ERC Grant recipient comes to Aarhus University
Associate Professor Sarang Suresh Dalal comes to Aarhus University in March 2016

Associate Professor Sarang Suresh Dalal received an ERC Starting Grant in 2014 from The European Research Council. Dr. Dalal has chosen Aarhus University as the Host Institution for his ERC project and will be affiliated with Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN), Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University.
Dr. Dalal works with research of the interactions between the eye and the brain in humans. In a series of projects, he will examine the interaction between the eye and the brain cortex using specialized measurement techniques, including ERG (electroretinography), MEG (magnetoencephalography), EEG (electroencephalography), and EOG (measurements of eye movement and retinal activity).
Dr. Dalal will start at Aarhus University 1 March 2016.
Sarang Dalal – ERC Grant modtager kommer til Aarhus Universitet.
Lektor Sarang Suresh Dalal modtog i 2014 et ERC Starting Grant fra Det Europæiske Forskningsråd. Dr. Dalal har valgt Aarhus Universitet som værtsinstitution for sit ERC projekt og vil blive tilknyttet Center for Funktionelt Integrativ Neurovidenskab (CFIN), Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Aarhus Universitet.
Dr. Dalal forsker i samspillet mellem processeringen af visuelle stimuli i øjet og i hjernen hos mennesker. Igennem en række projekter skal samspillet mellem nethinden og hjernebarken undersøges, ved brug af forskellige specielle målingsteknikker: ERG (electroretinogram), MEG (magnetoencephalografi), EEG (elektroencephaalografi) og EOG (måling af øjenbevægelser og nethindeaktivitet).
Dr. Dalal starter på Aarhus Universitet pr. 1. marts 2016.