This is course offered in collaboration with Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research; Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; and the Graduate School of Health, Aarhus University.
How do synapses, neurons and neuronal circuits account for sensorimotor functions, behaviour and higher functions such as perception? How do the wide architectural and physiological variety of neurons and brain network embed neuronal information processing?
The speakers will highlight our current knowledge, but will also point to gaps in our understanding of brain function and indicate a wish list for future technical and conceptual developments in neuroscience.
Speakers include:
Mu-Ming Poo, Institute of Neuroscience, Shanghai
David Kleinfeld, University of California San Diego, San Diego
Greg Stuart, Australian National University, Canberra
SDC Building, Eastern Yanqihu campus
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
380 Huaibeizhuang, Huairou district
Beijing, China
October 14-20, 2017
Course costs:
All expenses in China are covered. Students must only cover their own travels to Beijing.
For further information and to sign up for the course contact:
Vibeke Sauer Panyella: Phone: (+45) 7846 4089