Aarhus University Seal

Past Events


    Guest Talk: Dr. Vladimir Litvak

    Vladimir Litvak will visit the Deep Brain Stimulation Group at CFIN on Tuesday next week (10 January 2017) and is going to give a talk on MEG data analysis.

    Info about event


    Tuesday 10 January 2017,  at 10:00 - 11:30


    CFIN meeting room, 4th floor, AUH building 10G, Nørrebrogade 44, Aarhus C


    The Deep Brain Stimulation Group at CFIN

    There are still a few slots open for meeting with Dr Litvak Tuesday afternoon, so get in touch with Andreas (linahn@clin.au.dk) or Kousik (sarathykousik@gmail.com) if you want to meet with Dr Litvak.

    TITLE: Data Analysis in Source Space (DAiSS) toolbox for SPM12 and SSS beamformer: a primer
    DATE: Tuesday 10 January 2017
    TIME: 10.00-11.30
    PLACE: Meeting room 4th floor, bldg 10G, AUH


    I will describe the DAiSS toolbox which is a flexible and modular framework where various source space analyses can be done in SPM12. I will show how this framework can be combined with TSSS toolbox to implement SSS beamformer. Finally I will show how the artefact detection tools of SPM12 can be used to inform SSS artefact removal.

    Read more about Dr Vladimir Litvak ...

    All are welcome!
    / The Deep Brain Stimulation Group at CFIN
