Aarhus University Seal

Past Events


    NeuroCampus Aarhus BrainTrain seminar

    The third exciting BrainTrain seminar focuses on biological psychiatry. The BrainTrain seminar series is organized by NeuroCampus Aarhus and is dedicated to empower scientific excellence, collaboration, and interaction across the neuroscience disciplines at AU and AUH.

    Info about event


    Wednesday 18 January 2023,  at 15:00 - 17:00


    Auditorium J116-113, Entrance J, J110, Aarhus University Hospital (Nord)


    NeuroCampus Aarhus

    TOPIC:Biological Psychiatry"

    TIME: Wednesday 18 January 2023, 15.00 – 17.00

    VENUE: Auditorium J116-113, Entrance J, J110, Aarhus University Hospital (Nord) – find on map


    1. PhD student Lasse Hansen (Psychiatry – AUH): The Prospects for Machine Learning in Psychiatry
    2. Associate Professor Naoki Yamawaki (Dept. Biomedicine, AU): Cell-type specific hippocampal-cortical circuit organization and its role in memory
    3. Associate Professor Annie Landau (TNU, AU): Preclinical validation of molecular imaging biomarkers for psychiatry research
    4. Associate Professor Ole Köhler-Forsberg (Psychosis Research Unit, AUHP): Pharmacoepidemiology - can real-world outcome studies on psychotropic drugs inform clinical trial design?
    5. Networking/mingling session with coffee, tea and cake. Aim: to strengthen your network and build bridges between basic and clinical neuroscience

    All are welcome and no registration is needed.
