Quinn, A. J., Ede, F. V., Brookes, M. J., Heideman, S. G., Nowak, M., Seedat, Z. A.
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Higgins, C., van Es, M. W. J., Quinn, A. J.
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Karapanagiotidis, T.
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Vidaurre, D., Woolrich, M. W., Winkler, A. M., Karapanagiotidis, T., Smallwood, J. & Nichols, T. E. (2018).
Stable between-subject statistical inference from unstable within-subject functional connectivity estimates.
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Vidaurre, D., Hunt, L. T., Quinn, A. J., Hunt, B. A. E., Brookes, M. J., Nobre, A. C. & Woolrich, M. W. (2017).
Spontaneous cortical activity transiently organises into frequency specific phase-coupling networks. bioRxiv.
Vidaurre, D., Quinn, A. J., Baker, A. P., Dupret, D., Tejero-Cantero, A. & Woolrich, M. W. (2016).
Spectrally resolved fast transient brain states in electrophysiological data.
126, 81-95.
Higgins, C.
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Spatiotemporally resolved multivariate pattern analysis for M/EEG.
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Higgins, C., Liu, Y.
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Gohil, C., Huang, R., Roberts, E., van Es, M. W. J., Quinn, A. J.
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Winkler, A. M., Webster, M. A.
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Pervaiz, U.
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Van Schependom, J.
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Pineda-Pardo, J. A., Bruña, R., Woolrich, M., Marcos, A., Nobre, A. C., Maestú, F.
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Guiding functional connectivity estimation by structural connectivity in MEG: An application to discrimination of conditions of mild cognitive impairment.
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Smith, S. M.
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Functional connectomics from resting-state fMRI.
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Salvan, P., Lazari, A.
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Frequency modulation of entorhinal cortex neuronal activity drives distinct frequency-dependent states of brain-wide dynamics.
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Dynamics of large-scale electrophysiological networks: A technical review. NeuroImage,
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Stevner, A. B. A., Vidaurre, D., Cabral, J., Rapuano, K., Nielsen, S. F. V., Tagliazucchi, E., Laufs, H.
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Discovery of key whole-brain transitions and dynamics during human wakefulness and non-REM sleep.
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Sharma, A.
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Differential dopaminergic modulation of spontaneous cortico–subthalamic activity in parkinson’s disease.
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Ahrends, C., Stevner, A., Pervaiz, U.
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Data and model considerations for estimating time-varying functional connectivity in fMRI.
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Cabral, J., Vidaurre, D., Marques, P., Magalhães, R., Silva Moreira, P., Miguel Soares, J., Deco, G., Sousa, N.
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Cognitive performance in healthy older adults relates to spontaneous switching between states of functional connectivity during rest.
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Vidaurre, D., Van Gerven, M. A. J., Bielza, C., Larrañaga, P. & Heskes, T. (2013).
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Khawaldeh, S., Tinkhauser, G., Torrecillos, F., He, S., Foltynie, T., Limousin, P., Zrinzo, L., Oswal, A., Quinn, A. J.
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Balance between competing spectral states in subthalamic nucleus is linked to motor impairment in Parkinson's disease.
145(1), 237-250.
Smith, S. M., Nichols, T. E.
, Vidaurre, D., Winkler, A. M., Behrens, T. E. J., Glasser, M. F., Ugurbil, K., Barch, D. M., Van Essen, D. C. & Miller, K. L. (2015).
A positive-negative mode of population covariation links brain connectivity, demographics and behavior.
Nature Neuroscience,
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Vidaurre, D., Rodríguez, E. E., Bielza, C., Larrañaga, P. & Rudomin, P. (2012).
A new feature extraction method for signal classification applied to cord dorsum potential detection.
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