Evald, L., Brønnick, K.
, Duez, C. H. V., Grejs, A. M., Jeppesen, A. N., Søreide, E.
, Kirkegaard, H. & Nielsen, J. F. (2021).
Younger age is associated with higher levels of self-reported affective and cognitive sequelae six months post-cardiac arrest.
165, 148-153.
Evald, L., Brønnick, K.
, Duez, C. H. V., Grejs, A. M., Jeppesen, A., Søreide, E.
, Kirkegaard, H. & Nielsen, J. F. (2020).
Younger Age Increases Risk of Self-reported Affective and Cognitive Sequelae Six Months Post Cardiac Arrest.
142(Suppl_4), Article 316.
Klarlund, M., Brattico, E., Pearce, M., Wu, Y.
, Vuust, P., Overgaard, M. & Du, Y. (2023).
Worlds apart? Testing the cultural distance hypothesis in music perception of Chinese and Western listeners.
235, Article 105405.
Jensen, J., Lindeløv, J. K., Knoche, H., Christensen, B. C.
& Evald, L. (2019).
Virtual Reality @ssessment for Spatial Neglect. Poster session presented at Third congress on NeuroRehabilitation and Neural Repair, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Kaiser, A. P., Villadsen, K. W., Samani, A., Knoche, H.
& Evald, L. (2022).
Virtual Reality and Eye-Tracking Assessment, and Treatment of Unilateral Spatial Neglect: Systematic Review and Future Prospects.
Frontiers in Psychology,
13, Article 787382.
Hougaard, B. I., Skovfoged, M. M.
, Evald, L., Brunner, I. & Knoche, H. (2022).
Virtual Motor Spaces: Exploring how to amplify movements in VR stroke rehabilitation to aid patients with upper limb hemiparesis.. 1-2. Poster session presented at RehabWeek, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Michael, J., Sandberg, K., Skewes, J., Wolf, T.
, Blicher, J., Overgaard, M. & Frith, C. D. (2014).
Unconvincing statistical and functional inferences: Reply to Catmur.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,
8, Article 887.
White, T. P., Engen, N. H.
, Sørensen, S., Overgaard, M. & Shergill, S. S. (2014).
Uncertainty and confidence from the triple-network perspective: Voxel-based meta-analyses.
Brain and Cognition,
85(1), 191-200.
Lapitskaya, N., Gosseries, O., Delvaux, V.
, Overgaard, M., Nielsen, J. F., de Noordhout, AM., Moonen, G. & Laureys, S. (2009).
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Disorders of Consciousness.
Reviews in the Neurosciences,
Weidacker, K., Kim, S. G.
, Buhl-Callesen, M., Jensen, M., Pedersen, M. U., Thomsen, K. R. & Voon, V. (2022).
The prediction of resilience to alcohol consumption in youths: Insular and subcallosal cingulate myeloarchitecture.
Psychological Medicine,
52(11), 2032-2042.
Nord, C. L., Kim, S.-G.
, Callesen, M. B., Kvamme, T. L., Jensen, M., Pedersen, M. U., Thomsen, K. R. & Voon, V. (2019).
The myeloarchitecture of impulsivity: premature responding in youth is associated with decreased myelination of ventral putamen.
44, 1216-1223.
Overgaard, M., Koivisto, M., Sørensen, TA., Vangkilde, S. & Revonsuo, A. (2006).
The electrophysiology of introspection.
Consciousness and Cognition,
15(4), 662-672.
Pallesen, H., Maria, B.
, Pedersen, A. R., Nielsen, J. F. & Evald, L. (2019).
The Effects of High-Intensity Aerobic Exercise on Cognitive Performance After Stroke: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial.
Journal of Central Nervous System Disease,
11, 1-10.
Koivisto, M., Lähteenmäki, M., Sørensen, TA., Vangkilde, S.
, Overgaard, M. & Revonsuo, A. (2008).
The earliest electrophysiological correlate of visual awareness.
Brain and Cognition,
66, 91-103.
Dong, M. Y.
, Sandberg, K., Bibby, B. M., Pedersen, M. N. & Overgaard, M. (2015).
The development of a sense of control scale.
Frontiers in Psychology,
6(NOV), Article 1733.
Sandberg, K., Timmermans, B., Bibby, BM., Cleremans, A.
& Overgaard, M. (2009).
Taking all bets! Is Post-decision Wagering a superior method for measuring conscious experience?. Poster session presented at PhD-dag, Århus Universitet, Århus, Denmark.
Hyder, R., Højlund, A., Jensen, M., Johnsen, E. L., Østergaard, K. & Shtyrov, Y. (2021).
STN-DBS affects language processing differentially in Parkinson's disease: Multiple-case MEG study.
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica,
144(2), 132-141.
Jensen, M., Hyder, R., Westner, B. U.
, Højlund, A. & Shtyrov, Y. (2023).
Speech comprehension across time, space, frequency, and age: MEG-MVPA classification of intertrial phase coherence.
188, Article 108602.
Simonsen, A., Scheel-Krüger, J., Jensen, M., Roepstorff, A., Møller, A., Frith, C. D. & Campbell-Meiklejohn, D. (2014).
Serotoninergic effects on judgments and social learning of trustworthiness.
Thastum, M. M., Schroeder, A., Evald, L., Naess-Schmidt, E., Tuborgh, A., Jensen, J. S., Svendsen, S. W., Nielsen, J. F. & Rask, C. U. (2022).
Self-Rated Executive Function and Health-Related Quality of Life in Young Adults With Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology,
37(4), 762–774.
El Dabagh, Y. S.
, Asschenfeldt, B., Kelly, B., Evald, L. & Hjortdal, V. E. (2022).
Self- and informant-reported executive function in young adults operated for atrial or ventricular septal defects in childhood.
Cardiology in the Young,
32(12), 1917-24.
Overgaard, M., Fehl, K.
, Mouridsen, K., Bergholdt, B. & Cleeremans, A. (2008).
Seeing without Seeing? Degraded Conscious Vision in a Blindsight Patient.
P L o S One,
3(8)(e3028), 1-4.
Overgaard, M., Fehl, K., Mouridsen, K., Bergholt, B. & Cleeremans, A. (2008).
Seeing without seeing? Degraded conscious vision in a blindsight patient? P L o S One,
3(8), 1-4.
Kvamme, T. L., Pedersen, M. U., Overgaard, M. S., Thomsen, K. R. & Voon, V. (2019).
Pupillary reactivity to alcohol cues as a predictive biomarker of alcohol relapse following treatment in a pilot study.
236(4), 1233-1243.
Evald, L., Brønnick, K.
, Duez, C. H. V., Jeppesen, A., Grejs, A. M., Søreide, E.
, Kirkegaard, H. & Nielsen, J. F. (2019).
Prolonged Targeted Temperature Management Reduces Memory Retrieval Deficits Six Months Post Cardiac Arrest: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Poster session presented at Årsmøde i Selskabet Danske Neuropsykologer, Aalborg, Denmark.
Evald, L., Brønnick, K.
, Duez, C. H. V., Grejs, A. M., Jeppesen, A. N., Søreide, E.
, Kirkegaard, H. & Nielsen, J. F. (2019).
Prolonged targeted temperature management reduces memory retrieval deficits six months post-cardiac arrest: A randomised controlled trial.
134, 1-9.
Evald, L., Brønnick, K.
, Duez, C. H. V., Jeppesen, A., Grejs, A., Søreide, E.
, Kirkegaard, H. & Nielsen, J. F. (2018).
Prolonged Targeted Temperature Management Improves Memory Retrieval Six Months Post Cardiac Arrest: A Randomised Controlled Trial.
138(Suppl_1), Article A13333.
Sandberg, K., Bahrami, B., Kanai, R., Barnes, GR.
, Overgaard, M. & Rees, G. (2011).
Predicting the consciousness of other people. Abstract from Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness’ 15th annual meeting, Kyoto, Japan.
Kvamme, T. L., Pedersen, M. U., Overgaard, M. S., Rømer Thomsen, K. & Voon, V. (2019).
Pilot study: improving attention bias modification of alcohol cues through concealed gaze-contingent feedback in alcohol dependence.
Addictive Behaviors Reports,
10, Article 100231.
Campbell-Meiklejohn, D., Simonsen, A., Jensen, M., Wohlert, V., Gjerløff, T.
, Scheel-Krüger, J., Møller, A., Frith, C. D. & Roepstorff, A. (2011).
Pharmacology of social conformity: A role for catecholamines. Poster session presented at Neuroscience.
Campbell-Meiklejohn, D., Scheel-Krüger, J., Simonsen, A., Jensen, M., Gjerløff, T.
, Roepstorff, A., Møller, A. & Frith, C. D. (2011).
Pharmacology of social conformity. Poster session presented at The Social Brain, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Hyder, R., Højlund, A., Jensen, M., Østergaard, K. & Shtyrov, Y. (2020).
Objective assessment of automatic language comprehension mechanisms in the brain: Novel E/MEG paradigm.
57(5), Article e13543.
Frohlich, J., Bayne, T., Crone, J. S., DallaVecchia, A.
, Kirkeby-Hinrup, A., Mediano, P. A. M., Moser, J., Talar, K., Gharabaghi, A. & Preissl, H. (2023).
Not with a “zap” but with a “beep”: Measuring the origins of perinatal experience.
273, Article 120057.
Asschenfeldt, B., Evald, L., Heiberg, J., Salvig, C., Østergaard, L., Dalby, R. B., Eskildsen, S. F. & Hjortdal, V. E. (2020).
Neuropsychological Status and Structural Brain Imaging in Adults With Simple Congenital Heart Defects Closed in Childhood.
Journal of the American Heart Association,
9(11), Article e015843.
Blennow Nordström, E., Lilja, G., Vestberg, S., Ullén, S., Friberg, H., Nielsen, N., Heimburg, K.
, Evald, L., Mion, M., Segerström, M.
, Grejs, A. M., Keeble, T.
, Kirkegaard, H., Ljung, H., Rose, S., Wise, M. P., Rylander, C., Undén, J. & Cronberg, T. (2020).
Neuropsychological outcome after cardiac arrest: a prospective case control sub-study of the Targeted hypothermia versus targeted normothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest trial (TTM2).
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders,
20(1), 11. Article 439.
Blennow Nordström, E., Vestberg, S.
, Evald, L., Mion, M., Segerström, M., Ullén, S.
, Bro-Jeppesen, J., Friberg, H., Heimburg, K.
, Grejs, A. M., Keeble, T. R.
, Kirkegaard, H., Ljung, H., Rose, S., Wise, M. P., Rylander, C., Undén, J., Nielsen, N., Cronberg, T. & Lilja, G. (2023).
Neuropsychological outcome after cardiac arrest: results from a sub-study of the targeted hypothermia versus targeted normothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (TTM2) trial.
Critical Care,
27(1), Article 328.
Arlander, B. A., Heiberg, J., Eskildsen, S. F., Østergaard, L., Evald, L. & Hjortdal, V. E. (2018).
Neurodevelopmental challenges in adults operated for septal defects in childhood.
138(Suppl 1), A14641.
Campbell-Meiklejohn, D., Simonsen, A., Jensen, M., Wohlert, V.
, Gjerløff, T., Scheel-Kruger, J., Møller, A., Frith, C. D. & Roepstorff, A. (2012).
Modulation of Social Influence by Methylphenidate.
Sandberg, K., Bibby, B. M., Timmermans, B., Cleeremans, A.
& Overgaard, M. (2011).
Measuring consciousness: Task accuracy and awareness as sigmoid functions of stimulus duration.
Consciousness and Cognition,
20(4), 1659-75.
Overgaard, M., Seth, A., Dienes, Z., Cleeremans, A. & Pessoa, L. (2008).
Measuring Consciousness. Poster session presented at The Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness' 12th annual meeting, Taipei, Taiwan.
Seth, A., Dienes, Z., Cleeremans, A.
, Overgaard, M. & Pessoa, L. (2008).
Measuring Consciousness: Relating Behavioural and Neurophysiological Approaches.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences,
12(8), 314-321.
Sandberg, K., Bahrami, B., Kanai, R., Barnes, GR.
, Overgaard, M. & Rees, G. (2010).
Mapping the time course of binocular rivalry and percept stabilization using MEG. Poster session presented at Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness’ 14th annual meeting, Toronto, Canada.
Lauritzen, D. J., Asschenfeldt, B., Evald, L., Hjortdal, V. E. & Heiberg, J. (2021).
Long-term neurodevelopmental effects of intraoperative blood pressure during surgical closure of a septal defect in infancy or early childhood.
Cardiology in the Young,
31(12), 2002-2008.
Evald, L., Skrifvars, M. B., Virta, J. J., Tiainen, M., Leithner, C., Søreide, E., Hassager, C., Rasmussen, B.
, Grejs, A. M., Jeppesen, A. N., Kirkegaard, H. & Nielsen, J. F. (2024).
Long-term functional outcome and quality of life 5-8 years after the TTH48 trial.
150(25), e748-e748.
Sandberg, K., Bahrami, B., Barnes, G. R.
, Overgaard, M. & Rees, G. (2009).
Localization of cortical areas involved in conscious processing during binocular rivalry using MEG. Poster session presented at Consciousness and its measures, Limassol, Cyprus.
Kakihara, M., Martin, M., van der Werff, J., Ravignani, A.
, Fasano, M. C., Overgaard, M. S., Keller, P. & Lumaca, M. (2024).
Learning and transmission of rhythmic information is associated with working memory and sensorimotor synchronization skill. Poster session presented at The Neurosciences and Music VIII, Helsinki, Finland.
Pedersen, B. K., Zwisler, A. D., Borregaard, B.
, Evald, L., Kristensen, L. Q., Kruuse, C., Vestergård, L. D., Wagner, M., Winkel, B. G.
& Bro-Jeppesen, J. (2024).
Klinisk opfølgning og rehabilitering efter overlevet hjertestop.
Ugeskrift for Læger,
Overgaard, M., Lindeløv, J. K., Svejstrup, S., Døssing, M., Hvid, T.
, Kauffmann, O. & Mouridsen, K. (2013).
Is conscious stimulus identification dependent on knowledge of the perceptual modality? Testing the "source misidentification hypothesis".
Frontiers in Psychology,
4(116), 1-9.
Skóra, Z., Ciupińska, K.
, Del Pin, S. H., Overgaard, M. & Wierzchoń, M. (2021).
Investigating the validity of the Perceptual Awareness Scale – The effect of task-related difficulty on subjective rating.
Consciousness and Cognition,
95, Article 103197.
Asschenfeldt, B., Evald, L., Eskildsen, S. F., Heiberg, J., Østergaard, L. & Hjortdal, V. E. (2019).
Impaired executive function in adults with a repaired atrial septal defect.
140(Suppl 1), Article A13312.
Sikjaer, T., Eskildsen, S. F., Underbjerg, L., Østergaard, L., Rejnmark, L. & Evald, L. (2024).
Hypoparathyroidism: changes in brain structure, cognitive impairment, and reduced quality of life.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research,
39(7), 855-866.
Lindeløv, J. K., Kvamme, T. L., Rømer Thomsen, K., Overgaard, R. H. & Overgaard, M. S. (2023).
Hypnosis for acquired brain injury: Four patient cases and five testable predictions.
New Ideas in Psychology,
71, Article 101046.
Hyder, R., Jensen, M., Højlund, A., Kimppa, L., Bailey, C. J., Schaldemose, J. L., Kinnerup, M. B., Østergaard, K. & Shtyrov, Y. (2021).
Functional connectivity of spoken language processing in early-stage Parkinson's disease: An MEG study.
NeuroImage: Clinical,
32, Article 102718.
Topp, C. S. R., Kristensen, N. S., Jensen, S. H. B.
, Jensen, J., Evald, L., Jochumsen, M., Andreasen Struijk, L. N. & Spaich, E. G. (2018).
Examining underlying mechanisms of neglect patients’ reaction to the Wall method through flash visual evoked potentials. In K. Hillman (Ed.),
Proceedings of the 36th International Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research, 2018 (pp. 27). Article 2.3
Buskbjerg, C. R., Amidi, A., Munk, A., Danielsen, J. T., Henriksen, L. T., Lukacova, S., Haldbo-Classen, L., Evald, J.
, Evald, L., Lassen-Ramshad, Y.
, Zachariae, R., Høyer, M., Hasle, H. & Wu, L. M. (2024).
Engaging carers in neuropsychological rehabilitation for brain cancer survivors: The "I'm aware: Patients And Carers Together" (ImPACT) program.
Contemporary Clinical Trials,
138, Article 107419.
Kvamme, T. L., Lindeløv, J. K., Thomsen, K. R., Overgaard, R. & Overgaard, M. (2024).
Effect of hypnosis versus mindfulness on self-defined treatment goals and sleep following acquired brain injury: a randomized actively controlled trial.
Discover Psychology,
4(1), Article 80.
Sandberg, K., Bahrami, B., Kanai, R., Barnes, G.
, Overgaard, M. & Rees, G. (2013).
Early visual responses predict conscious face perception within and between subjects during binocular rivalry.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (Online),
25(6), 969-985.
Crouzet, S. M., Kovalenko, L. Y.
, del Pin, S. H., Overgaard, M. & Busch, N. A. (2017).
Early visual processing allows for selective behavior, shifts of attention, and conscious visual experience in spite of masking.
Consciousness and Cognition,
54, 89-100.
Lou, H. O. C., Skewes, J., Thomsen, K. R., Overgaard, M., Lau, H.
, Mouridsen, K. & Roepstorff, A. (2011).
Dopaminergic stimulation enhances confidence and accuracy in seeing rapidly presented words.
Journal of Vision,
11(2), 1-6.
Overgaard, M., Timmermans, B. & Cleeremans, A. (2008).
Do I see it or do I think I do?. Poster session presented at 11
th annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Las Vegas, United States.
Kvamme, T. L., Thomsen, K. R., Callesen, M. B., Doñamayor, N.
, Jensen, M., Pedersen, M. U. & Voon, V. (2018).
Distraction towards contextual alcohol cues and craving are associated with levels of alcohol use among youth.
BMC Psychiatry,
18(364), Article 354.
Sandberg, K., Barnes, G. R.
, Bahrami, B., Kanai, R.
, Overgaard, M. & Rees, G. (2013).
Distinct MEG correlates of conscious experience, perceptual reversals and stabilization during binocular rivalry. Abstract from Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness’ 17th annual meeting, San Diego, United States.
Sandberg, K., Barnes, G. R.
, Bahrami, B., Kanai, R.
, Overgaard, M. & Rees, G. (2014).
Distinct MEG correlates of conscious experience, perceptual reversals and stabilization during binocular rivalry.
100, 161-175.
Bliksted, V., Samuelsen, E.
, Sandberg, K., Bibby, B. M. & Overgaard, M. (2017).
Discriminating between first- and second-order cognition in first-episode paranoid schizophrenia.
Cognitive Neuropsychiatry,
22(2), 95–107.
Brogaard, B., Marlow, K.
, Overgaard, M., Schwartz, B. L., Zopluoglu, C., Tomson, S., Neufed, J., Sinke, C., Owen, C. & Eagleman, D. (2017).
Deaf hearing: Implicit discrimination of auditory content in a patient with mixed hearing loss.
Philosophical Psychology,
30(1-2), 21-43.