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Lang, A. E., Gill, S., Patel, N. K., Lozano, A., Nutt, J. G., Penn, R.
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Peterson, E.
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Linnet, J., Gjedde, A., Kumakura, Y.
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Hvad sker der i hjernen, når man spiller?. Poster session presented at Forskningens Døgn, Aarhus, Denmark.
Gerhard, A., Trender-Gerhard, I., Turkheimer, F., Quinn, N. P., Bhatia, K. P.
& Brooks, D. J. (2006).
In vivo imaging of microglial activation with [11C]-PK11195 PET progresive supranuclear palsy.
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21(1), 89-93.
Gerhard, A.
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In vivo imaging of microglial activation with [11C](R)-PK11195 PET in idiopathic Parkinson's disease.
Neurobiology of Disease,
21(2), 404-412.
Linnet, J., Peterson, E.
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Kliniske. psykologiske og neurobiologiske aspekter af kønsforskelle indenfor ludomani. Poster session presented at Forskningens Dag, Århus, Denmark.
Pavese, N., Gerhard, A., Tai, Y. F., Ho, A. K., Turkheimer, F., Barker, R. A.
, Brooks, D. J. & Piccini, P. (2006).
Microglial activation correlates with severity in Huntington disease: A clinical and PET study.
66(11), 1638-1643.
Hu, M. T. M., Scherfler, C., Khan, N. L., Hajnal, J. V., Lees, A. J., Quinn, N., Wood, N. W.
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Nigral degeneration and striatal dopaminergic dysfunction in idiopathic and parkin-linked Parkinson's disease.
Movement Disorders,
21(3), 299-305.
Lang, A. E., Gill, S., Patel, N. K., Lozano, A., Nutt, J. G., Penn, R.
, Brooks, D. J., Hotton, G., Moro, E., Heywood, P., Brodsky, M. A., Burchiel, K., Kelly, P., Dalvi, A., Scott, B., Stacy, M., Turner, D., Wooten, V. G. F., Elias, W. J. ... Traub, M. (2006).
Randomized controlled trial of intraputamenal glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor infusion in Parkinson disease.
Annals of Neurology,
59(3), 459-466.
Piccini, P.
, Pavese, N., Hagell, P.
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, Brooks, D. J. & Lindvall, O. (2006).
Reply: Rate of progression determines the clinical outcome after neural transplantation in Parkinson's disease [2].
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21(6), 783-788.
Turner, M. R., Osei-Lah, A. D., Hammers, A., Al-Chalabi, A., Shaw, C. E.
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Landau, A., Luk, K. C., Jones, M.-L., Siegrist-Johnstone, R., Young, Y. K., Kouassi, E., Rymar, V. V., Dagher, A., Sadikot, A. F. & Desbarats, J. (2005).
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Remy, P., Doder, M., Lees, A., Turjanski, N.
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Depression in Parkinson's disease: Loss of dopamine and noradrenaline innervation in the limbic system.
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Turner, M. R., Hammers, A., Al-Chalabi, A., Shaw, C. E.
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Distinct cerebral lesions in sporadic and 'D90A' SOD1 ALS: Studies with [11C]flumazenil PET.
128(6), 1323-1329.
Khan, N. L., Scherfler, C., Graham, E., Bhatia, K. P., Quinn, N., Lees, A. J.
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Dopaminergic dysfunction in unrelated, asymptomatic carriers of a single parkin mutation.
64(1), 134-136.
Piccini, P.
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Lingford-Hughes, A. R., Wilson, S. J., Cunningham, V. J., Feeney, A., Stevenson, B.
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Ros, R., Garre, P. G., Hirano, M., Tai, Y. F., Ampuero, I., Vidal, L., Rojo, A., Fontan, A., Vazquez, A., Fanjul, S., Hernandez, J., Cantarero, S., Hoenicka, J., Jones, A., Ahsan, R. L.
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11(7), 703-704.
Linnet, J., Gjedde, A., Kumakura, Y.
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High sensation seeking men have increased dopamine release in the right putamen during gambling. Poster session presented at High sensation seeking men have increased dopamine release in the right putamen during gambling, Washington DC, United States.
Cheesman, A. L., Barker, R. A., Lewis, S. J. G., Robbins, T. W., Owen, A. M.
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Chaudhuri, K. R., Buxton-Thomas, M., Dhawan, V., Peng, R., Meilak, C.
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Long duration asymmetrical postural tremor is likely to predict development of Parkinson's disease and not essential tremor: Clinical follow up study of 13 cases.
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76(1), 115-117.
Turner, M. R., Gerhard, A., Al-Chalabi, A., Shaw, C. E., Hughes, R. A. C., Banati, R. B.
, Brooks, D. J. & Leigh, P. N. (2005).
Mills' and other isolated upper motor neurone syndromes: In vivo study with 11C-(R)-PK11195 PET.
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry,
76(6), 871-874.
Khan, N. L., Jain, S., Lynch, J. M.
, Pavese, N., Abou-Sleiman, P., Holton, J. L., Healy, D. G., Gilks, W. P., Sweeney, M. G., Ganguly, M., Gibbons, V., Gandhi, S., Vaughan, J., Eunson, L. H., Katzenschlager, R., Gayton, J., Lennox, G., Revesz, T., Nicholl, D. ... Wood, N. W. (2005).
Mutations in the gene LRRK2 encoding dardarin (PARK8) cause familial Parkinson's disease: Clinical, pathological, olfactory and functional imaging and genetic data.
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Rascol, O.
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365(9463), 947-954.
Turner, M. R., Rabiner, E. A., Hammers, A., Al-Chalabi, A., Grasby, P. M., Shaw, C. E.
, Brooks, D. J. & Leigh, P. N. (2005).
[11C]-WAY100635 PET demonstrates marked 5-HT1A receptor changes in sporadic ALS.
128(4), 896-905.
Von Spiczak, S., Whone, A. L., Hammers, A., Asselin, M. C., Turkheimer, F., Tings, T., Happe, S., Paulus, W., Trenkwalder, C.
& Brooks, D. J. (2005).
The role of opioids in restless legs syndrome: An [11C] diprenorphine PET study.
128(4), 906-917.
Ravina, B., Eidelberg, D., Ahlskog, J. E., Albin, R. L.
, Brooks, D. J., Carbon, M., Dhawan, V., Feigin, A., Fahn, S., Guttman, M., Gwinn-Hardy, K., McFarland, H., Innis, R., Katz, R. G., Kieburtz, K., Kish, S. J., Lange, N., Langston, J. W., Marek, K. ... Holloway, R. (2005).
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Treatment of end-of-dose wearing-off in Parkinson's disease: Stalevo® (levodopa/carbidopa/entacapone) and levodopa/DDCI given in combination with Comtess®/Comtan® (entacapone) provide equivalent improvements in symptom control superior to that of traditional levodopa/DDCI treatment.
European Neurology,
53(4), 197-202.
Melichar, J. K., Hume, S. P., Williams, T. M., Daglish, M. R. C., Taylor, L. G., Ahmad, R., Malizia, A. L.
, Brooks, D. J., Myles, J. S., Lingford-Hughes, A. & Nutt, D. J. (2005).
Using [11C]diprenorphine to image opioid receptor occupancy by methadone in opioid addiction: Clinical and preclinical studies.
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312(1), 309-315.
Whone, A. L., Bailey, D. L., Remy, P.
, Pavese, N. & Brooks, D. J. (2004).
A technique for standardized central analysis of 6-18F-fluoro-L- DOPA PET data from a multicenter study.
Journal of Nuclear Medicine,
45(7), 1135-1145.
Pavese, N., Rimoldi, O., Gerhard, A.
, Brooks, D. J. & Piccini, P. (2004).
Cardiovascular effects of methamphetamine in Parkinson's disease patients.
Movement Disorders,
19(3), 298-303.
Wenning, G. K., Tison, F., Seppi, K., Sampiao, C., Diem, A., Yekhlef, F., Ghorayeb, I., Ory, F., Galitzky, M., Scaravilli, T., Bozi, M., Colosimo, C., Gilman, S., Shults, C. W., Quinn, N. P., Rascol, O., Poewe, W.
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Development and validation of the Unified Multiple System Atrophy Rating Scale (UMSARS).
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19(12), 1391-1402.
Turner, M. R., Cagnin, A., Turkheimer, F. E., Miller, C. C. J., Shaw, C. E.
, Brooks, D. J., Leigh, P. N. & Banati, R. B. (2004).
Evidence of widespread cerebral microglial activation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: An [11C](R)-PK11195 positron emission tomography study.
Neurobiology of Disease,
15(3), 601-609.
Gerhard, A., Watts, J., Trender-Gerhard, I., Turkheimer, F., Banati, R. B., Bhatia, K.
& Brooks, D. J. (2004).
In vivo imaging of microglial activation with [11C](R -PK11195 PET in corticobasal degeneration.
Movement Disorders,
19(10), 1221-1226.
Whone, A. L., Von Spiczak, S., Edwards, M., Valente, E. M., Hammers, A., Bhatia, K. P.
& Brooks, D. J. (2004).
Opioid binding in DYT1 primary torsion dystonia: An 11C-diprenorphine PET study.
Movement Disorders,
19(12), 1498-1503.
Scherfler, C.
, Khan, N. L., Pavese, N., Eunson, L., Graham, E., Lees, A. J., Quinn, N. P., Wood, N. W.
, Brooks, D. J. & Piccini, P. P. (2004).
Striatal and cortical pre- and postsynaptic dopaminergic dysfunction in sporadic parkin-linked parkinsonism.
127(6), 1332-1342.
Tai, Y. F., Scherfler, C.
, Brooks, D. J., Sawamoto, N. & Castiello, U. (2004).
The Human Premotor Cortex Is 'Mirror' only for Biological Actions.
Current Biology,
14(2), 117-120.
Brooks, D. J., Frey, K. A., Marek, K. L., Oakes, D., Paty, D., Prentice, R., Shults, C. W. & Stoessl, A. J. (2003).
Assessment of neuroimaging techniques as biomarkers of the progression of Parkinson's disease.
Experimental Neurology,
184(SUPPL. 1).
Gill, S. S., Patel, N. K., Hotton, G. R., O'Sullivan, K., McCarter, R., Bunnage, M.
, Brooks, D. J., Svendsen, C. N. & Heywood, P. (2003).
Direct brain infusion of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in Parkinson disease.
Nature Medicine,
9(5), 589-595.
Goerendt, I. K., Messa, C., Lawrence, A. D., Grasby, P. M., Piccini, P.
& Brooks, D. J. (2003).
Dopamine release during sequential finger movements in health and Parkinson's disease: A PET study.
126(2), 312-325.
Hammers, A., Koepp, M. J., Richardson, M. P., Hurlemann, R.
, Brooks, D. J. & Duncan, J. S. (2003).
Grey and white matter flumazenil binding in neocortical epilepsy with normal MRI. A PET study of 44 patients.
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Pavese, N., Andrews, T. C.
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