Baun, A. M., Iranzo, A.
, Terkelsen, M. H., Stokholm, M. G., Stær, K., Serradell, M.
, Otto, M., Svendsen, K. B., Garrido, A., Vilas, D., Santamaria, J.
, Møller, A., Gaig, C.
, Brooks, D. J., Borghammer, P., Tolosa, E.
, Eskildsen, S. F. & Pavese, N. (2025).
Cuneus atrophy and Parkinsonian phenoconversion in cognitively unimpaired patients with isolated REM sleep behavior disorder.
Journal of Neurology,
272(1), Article 59.
Pallesen, H., Pedersen, S. K. S., Sørensen, S. L., Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Brunner, I., Nielsen, J. F. & Kjeldsen, S. S. (2025).
"Stroke - 65 plus. Continued active life." A randomized controlled trial of a self-management neurorehabilitation intervention for elderly people after stroke.
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Juul-Madsen, K., Parbo, P., Ismail, R., Ovesen, P. L., Schmidt, V.
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, Larsen, A., Andersen, M. N., Romero-Ramos, M., Holm, C. K., Andersen, G. R., Zhao, H., Schuck, P.
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Amyloid-β aggregates activate peripheral monocytes in mild cognitive impairment.
Nature Communications,
15(1), Article 1224.
Pedersen, S. K. S., Thastum, M. M., Odgaard, L., Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Pedersen, C. B., Nygaard, C., Pallesen, H., Silverberg, N. D.
& Brunner, I. (2024).
A remotely delivered intervention targeting adults with persisting mild-to-moderate post-concussion symptoms (GAIN Lite): a study protocol for a parallel group randomised trial.
25(1), Article 720.
Madsen, L. S., Kjeldsen, P. L., Ismail, R.
, Parbo, P., Østergaard, L., Brooks, D. J. & Eskildsen, S. F. (2024).
Capillary dysfunction in healthy elderly APOE ε4 carriers with raised brain Aβ deposition.
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Gaemelke, T., Laustsen, C., Feys, P., Folkestad, L., Andersen, M. S., Jørgensen, N. R., Jørgensen, M.-L.
, Jespersen, S. N., Ringgaard, S., Eskildsen, S. F., Dalgas, U. & Hvid, L. G. (2024).
Effects of power training in older patients with multiple sclerosis on neurodegeneration, neuromuscular function, and physical function: A study protocol for the "power training in older multiple sclerosis patients (PoTOMS) randomized control trial.
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications,
38, Article 101279.
Sikjaer, T., Eskildsen, S. F., Underbjerg, L., Østergaard, L., Rejnmark, L. & Evald, L. (2024).
Hypoparathyroidism: changes in brain structure, cognitive impairment, and reduced quality of life.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research,
39(7), 855-866.
Madsen, L. S., Ismail, R.
, Parbo, P., Kjeldsen, P. L., Schaldemose, J. L., Hansen, K. V., Gottrup, H., Aanerud, J., Eskildsen, S. F. & Brooks, D. J. (2024).
Microglial responses partially mediate the effect of Aβ on cognition in Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's & Dementia,
20(11), 8028-8037.
Kjeldsen, P. L., Damholdt, M. F., Madsen, L. S., Nissen, P. H., Aanerud, J. F. A., Parbo, P., Ismail, R.
, Thomsen, M. K., Eskildsen, S. F., Østergaard, L. & Brooks, D. J. (2024).
Performance on complex memory tests is associated with β-amyloid in individuals at risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
Journal of Neuropsychology,
18(1), 120-135. Article JNP12332.
Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Christensen, A.
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, Nielsen, J. F. & Kirov, F. I. (2024).
Screening for treatment-required sleep apnoea in patients with spinal cord injury within one year after injury in a rehabilitation setting.
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Knopper, R. W., Stald Skoven, C., Eskildsen, S. F., Østergaard, L. & Hansen, B. (2024).
The effects of locus coeruleus ablation on mouse brain volume and microstructure evaluated by high-field MRI.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience,
18, Article 1498133.
Madsen, L. S., Parbo, P., Ismail, R., Gottrup, H., Østergaard, L., Brooks, D. J. & Eskildsen, S. F. (2023).
Capillary dysfunction correlates with cortical amyloid load in early Alzheimer's disease.
Neurobiology of Aging,
123, 1-9.
Pedersen, S. K. S., Thastum, M., Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Odgaard, L., Pallesen, H., Nielsen, J. F., Brunner, I. & Silverberg, N. D. (2023).
Development of the intervention "Get going After concussIoN Lite" (GAIN Lite) to reduce impairing post-concessional mild-to-moderate symptoms in adults - A Feasibility Study. Poster session presented at 14th World Congress on Brain Injury, Dublin, Ireland.
Pedersen, S. K. S., Thastum, M., Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Odgaard, L., Pallesen, H., Nielsen, J. F., Silverberg, N. D.
& Brunner, I. (2023).
Development of the intervention Get going After concussIoN Lite (GAIN Lite) to reduce impairing post-concessional mild-to-moderate symptoms in adults - A Feasibility Study. 67. Abstract from 14th World Congress on Brain Injury, Dublin, Ireland.
Tuborgh, A., Svendsen, S. W., Elklit, A., Hunter, J.
, Ørnbøl, E., Jensen, J. S., Schröder, A., Nielsen, J. F., Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Thastum, M. M. & Rask, C. U. (2023).
Does insecure attachment affect treatment outcome in young persons with post-concussion symptoms? A secondary analysis of the GAIN trial.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research,
164, Article 111100.
Tedeschi Dauar, M., Pascoal, T. A., Therriault, J., Rowley, J., Mohaddes, S., Shin, M., Zimmer, E. R.
, Eskildsen, S. F., Fonov, V. S., Gauthier, S., Poirier, J., Rosa-Neto, P. & on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2023).
Dynamic Amyloid and Metabolic Signatures of Delayed Recall Performance within the Clinical Spectrum of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Brain sciences,
13(2), Article 232.
Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Christensen, A., Hasselager, V.
, Vibjerg, J., Mayer, L. L., Lauersen, H. S. & Kirov, F. (2023).
Screening for sleep apnoea in patients with spinal cord injury during rehabilitation.
Asschenfeldt, B., Evald, L., Salvig, C., Heiberg, J., Østergaard, L., Eskildsen, S. F. & Hjortdal, V. E. (2022).
Altered Cerebral Microstructure in Adults With Atrial Septal Defect and Ventricular Septal Defect Repaired in Childhood.
Journal of the American Heart Association,
11(12), e020915. Article e020915.
Kjeldsen, S. S., Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Lee, M., Quel de Oliveira, C.
, Nielsen, J. F. & Stubbs, P. W. (2022).
Blood flow restriction exercise of the tibialis anterior in people with stroke: a preliminary study.
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21(2), Article 21.
Madsen, L. S., Nielsen, R. B., Parbo, P., Ismail, R., Mikkelsen, I. K., Gottrup, H., Østergaard, L., Brooks, D. J. & Eskildsen, S. F. (2022).
Capillary function progressively deteriorates in prodromal Alzheimer’s disease: A longitudinal MRI perfusion study.
Aging Brain,
2, Article 100035.
Kothari, S. F., Eggertsen, P. P., Frederiksen, O.-V., Møller, M. T., Svendsen, S. W., Tuborgh, A., Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Rask, C. U., Schröder, A. B., Kasch, H. & Nielsen, J. F. (2022).
Characterization of persistent post-traumatic headache and management strategies in adolescents and young adults following mild traumatic brain injury.
Scientific Reports,
12(1), Article 2209.
Tønning, L. U., Mechlenburg, I., Christiansen, D. H., Andersen, N.-B. V.
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& Næss-Schmidt, E. (2022).
Disability and physical activity in people with chronic disease receiving physiotherapy. A prospective cohort study.
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living,
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Pedersen, S. K. S., Thastum, M., Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Odgaard, L., Pedersen, A. R., Pallesen, H., Nielsen, J. F., Silverberg, N. D.
& Brunner, I. (2022).
Get going After concussIoN Lite (GAIN Lite): A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of an early intervention to reduce impairing post-concussion mild-to-moderate symptoms in adults. Poster session presented at 12th World Conference for Neurorehabilitation, Vienna, Austria.
Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Thastum, M. M., Stabel, H. H., Odgaard, L., Pedersen, A. R., Rask, C. U., Silverberg, N. D.
, Schröder, A. & Nielsen, J. F. (2022).
Interdisciplinary intervention (GAIN) for adults with post-concussion symptoms: a study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial.
23(1), Article 613.
Riemenschneider, M., Hvid, L. G., Ringgaard, S., Nygaard, M. K. E., Eskildsen, S. F., Gaemelke, T., Magyari, M., Jensen, H. B., Nielsen, H. H., Kant, M.
, Falah, M., Petersen, T., Stenager, E.
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Skovbjerg, F., Honoré, H., Mechlenburg, I., Lipperts, M., Gade, R.
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Monitoring Physical Behavior in Rehabilitation Using a Machine Learning–Based Algorithm for Thigh-Mounted Accelerometers: Development and Validation Study.
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Pallesen, H., Pedersen, S. K. S., Lillelund Sørensen, S., Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Brunner, I., Nielsen, J. F. & Kjeldsen, S. S. (2022).
Self-management support for elderly people post-stroke 3- RCT-study of self-management intervention. Abstract from Danske Fysioterapeuters fagkongres 2022.
Thastum, M. M., Schroeder, A., Evald, L., Naess-Schmidt, E., Tuborgh, A., Jensen, J. S., Svendsen, S. W., Nielsen, J. F. & Rask, C. U. (2022).
Self-Rated Executive Function and Health-Related Quality of Life in Young Adults With Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms: A Cross-Sectional Study.
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Asschenfeldt, B., Evald, L., Yun, H. J.
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, Hjortdal, V. E., Im, K.
& Eskildsen, S. F. (2021).
Abnormal Left-Hemispheric Sulcal Patterns in Adults With Simple Congenital Heart Defects Repaired in Childhood.
Journal of the American Heart Association,
10(7), Article e018580.
Tuborgh, A., Svendsen, S. W., Elklit, A., Hunter, J.
, Jensen, J. S., Schröder, A., Nielsen, J. F., Thastum, M. M., Næss-Schmidt, E. T. & Rask, C. U. (2021).
Attachment and symptom reporting in adolescents and young adults after a concussion.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research,
150, Article 110603.
Dalby, R. B., Eskildsen, S. F., Videbech, P.
, Rosenberg, R. & Østergaard, L. (2021).
Cerebral hemodynamics and capillary dysfunction in late-onset major depressive disorder.
Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging,
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Mamoei, S., Jensen, H. B., Pedersen, A. K.
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Clinical, Neurophysiological, and MRI Markers of Fampridine Responsiveness in Multiple Sclerosis—An Explorative Study.
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Henriksen, N. L., Aasmul-Olsen, K., Venkatasubramanian, R.
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Langeskov-Christensen, M., Grøndahl Hvid, L., Nygaard, M. K. E., Ringgaard, S., Jensen, H. B., Nielsen, H. H.
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Efficacy of high-intensity aerobic exercise on brain MRI measures in multiple sclerosis.
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Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Kjeldsen, S. S., Honoré, H., Fabricius, J. J. & Pedersen, A. R. (2021).
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Eskildsen, S. F., Iranzo, A.
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, Otto, M., Svendsen, K. B., Garrido, A., Vilas, D.
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Impaired cerebral microcirculation in isolated REM sleep behaviour disorder.
Brain : a journal of neurology,
144(5), 1498-1508.
Skotting, M. B., Eskildsen, S. F., Ovesen, A. S., Fonov, V. S.
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Infants with congenital heart defects have reduced brain volumes.
Scientific Reports,
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Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Udby Blicher, J., Møller Thastum, M., Rask, C. U., Wulff Svendsen, S.
, Schröder, A., Tuborgh, A. H., Østergaard, L., Sangill, R., Lund, T., Nørhøj Jespersen, S., Pedersen, A. R., Hansen, B., Eskildsen, S. F. & Nielsen, J. F. (2021).
Microstructural changes in the brain after long-term post-concussion symptoms: A randomized trial.
Journal of Neuroscience Research,
99(3), 872-886.
Rytter, H. M., Graff, H. J., Henriksen, H. K., Aaen, N., Hartvigsen, J., Hoegh, M.
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Nonpharmacological Treatment of Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis and Guideline Recommendation.
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Riemenschneider, M., Hvid, L. N., Ringgaard, S., Torstensen, M. K. E. N., Eskildsen, S. F., Petersen, T., Stenager, E.
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Study protocol: randomised controlled trial evaluating exercise therapy as a supplemental treatment strategy in early multiple sclerosis: the Early Multiple Sclerosis Exercise Study (EMSES).
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Stubbs, P. W., Stabel, H. H., de Vos Andersen, N. B., Smith, H. R.
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Mamoei, S., Jensen, H. B.
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A cross-sectional comparison of performance, neurophysiological and MRI outcomes of responders and non-responders to fampridine treatment in multiple sclerosis – An explorative study.
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience,
82(Part A), 179-185.
Sharma, M. B., Jensen, K., Urbak, S. F., Funding, M., Johansen, J., Bechtold, D.
, Amidi, A., Eskildsen, S. F., Jørgensen, J. O. L. & Grau, C. (2020).
A multidimensional cohort study of late toxicity after intensity modulated radiotherapy for sinonasal cancer.
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Næss-Schmidt, E., de Vos Andersen, N.-B.
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Cohort profile: Design and implementation of the Danish Physiotherapy Research Database for patients receiving primary care with chronic disease.
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Næss-Schmidt, E., Pedersen, A. R., Christiansen, D. H., de Vos Andersen, N.-B., Brincks, J., Grimm, B.
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Daily activity and functional performance in people with chronic disease: A cross-sectional study.
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Nielsen, R. B., Parbo, P., Ismail, R., Dalby, R., Tietze, A., Brændgaard, H., Gottrup, H., Brooks, D. J., Østergaard, L. & Eskildsen, S. F. (2020).
Impaired perfusion and capillary dysfunction in prodromal Alzheimer's disease.
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Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Christiansen, D. H., Østgård, R. D., Andersen, N.-B. D. V.
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Incidence of Free of Charge Physiotherapy in a Danish National Cohort of Stroke, Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients.
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Sharma, M. B., Jensen, K., Amidi, A., Eskildsen, S. F., Johansen, J.
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Late toxicity in the brain after radiotherapy for sinonasal cancer: Neurocognitive functioning, MRI of the brain and quality of life.
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Parbo, P., Madsen, L. S., Ismail, R., Zetterberg, H., Blennow, K.
, Eskildsen, S. F., Vorup-Jensen, T. & Brooks, D. J. (2020).
Low plasma neurofilament light levels associated with raised cortical microglial activation suggest inflammation acts to protect prodromal Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's Research & Therapy,
12(1), Article 3.
Asschenfeldt, B., Evald, L., Heiberg, J., Salvig, C., Østergaard, L., Dalby, R. B., Eskildsen, S. F. & Hjortdal, V. E. (2020).
Neuropsychological Status and Structural Brain Imaging in Adults With Simple Congenital Heart Defects Closed in Childhood.
Journal of the American Heart Association,
9(11), Article e015843.
Girard, G., Caminiti, R., Battaglia-Mayer, A., St-Onge, E., Ambrosen, K. S.
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On the cortical connectivity in the macaque brain: A comparison of diffusion tractography and histological tracing data.
221, Article 117201.
Ismail, R., Parbo, P., Madsen, L. S., Hansen, A. K., Hansen, K. V., Schaldemose, J. L., Kjeldsen, P. L., Stokholm, M. G., Gottrup, H., Eskildsen, S. F. & Brooks, D. J. (2020).
The relationships between neuroinflammation, beta-amyloid and tau deposition in Alzheimer's disease: a longitudinal PET study.
Journal of Neuroinflammation,
17(1), Article 151.
Ambrosen, K. S.
, Eskildsen, S. F., Hinne, M., Krug, K., Lundell, H., Schmidt, M. N., van Gerven, M. A. J., Mørup, M. & Dyrby, T. B. (2020).
Validation of structural brain connectivity networks: The impact of scanning parameters.
204, Article 116207.
Ismail, R., Parbo, P., Hansen, K. V., Schaldemose, J. L., Dalby, R. B., Tietze, A., Kjeldsen, P. L., la Cour, S. H., Qvist, P., Gottrup, H., Eskildsen, S. F. & Brooks, D. J. (2019).
Abnormal Amyloid Load in Mild Cognitive Impairment: The Effect of Reducing the PiB-PET Threshold.
Journal of Neuroimaging,
29(4), 499-505.
Brincks, J., Jørgensen, J. B., Giese, I. E., Palle, M. L.
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A study of the discriminative properties of the Six-Spot Step Test in people with Parkinson's disease at risk of falling.
45(2), 265-272.
Obelitz-Ryom, K., Bering, S. B., Overgaard, S. H.
, Eskildsen, S. F., Ringgaard, S., Olesen, J. L., Skovgaard, K., Pankratova, S., Wang, B., Brunse, A.
, Heckmann, A. B., Rydal, M. P., Sangild, P. T. & Thymann, T. (2019).
Bovine Milk Oligosaccharides with Sialyllactose Improves Cognition in Preterm Pigs.
11(6), Article 1335.
Arlander, B. A., Heiberg, J., Eskildsen, S. F., Østergaard, L., Evald, L. & Hjortdal, V. E. (2019).
Compromised general intellectual functioning in adults with repaired atrial septal defect. Poster session presented at 22nd Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Cardiovascular Disease, California, United States.
Arlander, B. A., Heiberg, J., Eskildsen, S. F., Østergaard, L., Evald, L. & Hjortdal, V. E. (2019).
Compromised general intellectual functioning in adults with repaired atrial septal defect.
World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery,
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Næss-Schmidt, E., Blicher, J. U., Møller, M. T.
, Rask, C. U., Svendsen, S. W.
, Schröder, A., Tuborgh, A. H., Østergaard, L., Jespersen, S., Hansen, B., Eskildsen, S. F. & Nielsen, J. F. (2019).
Diffusion kurtosis imaging in patients with prolonged post-concussion symptoms.
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121, 123.
Asschenfeldt, B., Evald, L., Eskildsen, S. F., Heiberg, J., Østergaard, L. & Hjortdal, V. E. (2019).
Impaired executive function in adults with a repaired atrial septal defect.
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Nielsen, R. B., Parbo, P., Ismail, R., Dalby, R., Tietze, A., Braendgaard, H., Gottrup, H., Brooks, D. J., Ostergaard, L. & Eskildsen, S. F. (2019).
Impaired perfusion and capillary distribution of blood in mild cognitive impairment: Relation to oxygenation and amyloid load.
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39(1, suppl.), 147. Article PA00-A28.
Kjeldsen, S. S., Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Hansen, G. M., Nielsen, J. F. & Stubbs, P. W. (2019).
Neuromuscular effects of dorsiflexor training with and without blood flow restriction.
5(8), Article e02341.
Thastum, M. M., Rask, C. U., Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Tuborgh, A., Jensen, J. S., Svendsen, S. W., Nielsen, J. F. & Schröder, A. (2019).
Novel interdisciplinary intervention, GAIN, vs. enhanced usual care to reduce high levels of post-concussion symptoms in adolescents and young adults 2–6 months post-injury: A randomised trial.
17, Article 100214.
Dalby, R. B., Eskildsen, S. F., Videbech, P. B.
, Frandsen, J., Mouridsen, K., Sørensen, L. H., Jeppesen, P., Bek, T., Rosenberg, R.
& Østergaard, L. (2019).
Oxygenation differs among white matter hyperintensities, intersected fiber tracts and unaffected white matter.
Brain Communications,
1(1), Article fcz033.
Blicher, J. U., Eskildsen, S. F., Stærmose, T. G., Møller, A. T., Figlewski, K. & Near, J. (2019).
Short echo-time Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in ALS, simultaneous quantification of glutamate and GABA at 3 T.
Scientific Reports,
9, Article 17593.
Pallesen, H., Næss-Schmidt, E., Kjeldsen, S., Pedersen, S. K. S., Sørensen, S. L.
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“Stroke - 65 Plus. Continued Active Life”: a study protocol for a randomized controlled cross-sectoral trial of the effect of a novel self-management intervention to support elderly people after stroke. Poster session presented at Stroke Forum 2019, Skejby, Denmark.
Qvist, P., Eskildsen, S. F., Hansen, B., Baragji, M., Ringgaard, S., Roovers, J.
, Paternoster, V., Molgaard, S., Corydon, T. J., Stødkilde-Jørgensen, H., Glerup, S., Mors, O., Wegener, G., Nyengaard, J. R., Børglum, A. D. & Christensen, J. H. (2018).
Brain volumetric alterations accompanied with loss of striatal medium-sized spiny neurons and cortical parvalbumin expressing interneurons in Brd1+/- mice.
Scientific Reports,
8(1), 16486. Article 16486.
Thastum, M. M., Rask, C. U., Naess-Schmidt, E. T., Jensen, J. S., Frederiksen, O.-V., Tuborgh, A., Svendsen, S. W., Nielsen, J. F. & Schröder, A. (2018).
Design of an early intervention for persistent post-concussion symptoms in adolescents and young adults: A feasibility study.
43(2), 155-167.
Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Blicher, J. U., Tietze, A., Rask, C. U., Svendsen, S. W., Schröder, A., Thastum, M. M., Tuborgh, A. H.
, Frederiksen, O.-V., Østergaard, L., Eskildsen, S. F., Hansen, B., Jespersen, S. & Nielsen, J. F. (2018).
Diffusion MRI findings in patients with extensive and minimal post-concussion symptoms after mTBI and healthy controls - a cross sectional study.
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Parbo, P., Ismail, R., Sommerauer, M., Stokholm, M. G., Hansen, A. K., Hansen, K. V., Amidi, A., Schaldemose, J. L., Gottrup, H., Brændgaard, H., Eskildsen, S. F., Borghammer, P., Hinz, R.
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Does inflammation precede tau aggregation in early Alzheimer's disease? A PET study.
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Arlander, B. A., Heiberg, J., Eskildsen, S. F., Østergaard, L., Evald, L. & Hjortdal, V. E. (2018).
Neurodevelopmental challenges in adults operated for septal defects in childhood.
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Engedal, T. S., Hjort, N., Hougaard, K. D., Simonsen, C. Z., Andersen, G., Mikkelsen, I. K., Boldsen, J. K., Eskildsen, S. F., Hansen, M. B., Angleys, H., Jespersen, S. N., Pedraza, S., Cho, T.-H., Serena, J., Siemonsen, S., Thomalla, G., Nighoghossian, N., Fiehler, J.
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Nielsen, R. B., Egefjord, L., Angleys, H., Mouridsen, K., Gejl, M., Møller, A., Brock, B., Brændgaard, H., Gottrup, H., Rungby, J., Eskildsen, S. F. & Østergaard, L. (2017).
Capillary dysfunction is associated with symptom severity and neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease.
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Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Morthorst, M.
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Corticospinal excitability changes following blood flow restriction training of the tibialis anterior: a preliminary study.
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Eskildsen, S. F., Gyldensted, L., Nagenthiraja, K., Nielsen, R. B., Hansen, M. B., Dalby, R. B., Frandsen, J., Rodell, A., Gyldensted, C., Jespersen, S. N., Lund, T. E., Mouridsen, K., Brændgaard, H. & Østergaard, L. (2017).
Increased cortical capillary transit time heterogeneity in Alzheimer’s disease: a DSC-MRI perfusion study.
Neurobiology of Aging,
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Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Blicher, J. U., Eskildsen, S. F., Tietze, A., Hansen, B., Stubbs, P. W., Jespersen, S., Østergaard, L. & Nielsen, J. F. (2017).
Microstructural changes in the thalamus after mild traumatic brain injury: A longitudinal diffusion and mean kurtosis tensor MRI study.
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Thastum, M., Rask, C. U., Næss-Schmidt, E., Frederiksen, O.-V., Tuborgh, A.
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Symptom reduction in young people (15 – 30 years) after a brief behavioral intervention for persistent post-concussion symptoms: An uncontrolled study. 931.
Garza-Villarreal, E. A., Chakravarty, M. M.
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Hansen, B., Khan, A. R., Shemesh, N.
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White matter biomarkers from fast protocols using axially symmetric diffusion kurtosis imaging.
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Næss-Schmidt, E., Tietze, A., Blicher, J., Petersen, M., Mikkelsen, I. K., Coupé, P., Manjón, J. V.
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Automatic thalamus and hippocampus segmentation from MP2RAGE - comparison of publicly available methods and implications for DTI quantification.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery,
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Thastum, M., Rask, C. U., Næss-Schmidt, E., Frederiksen, O.-V., Tuborgh, A.
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Brief Behavioural intervention for persisting post-concussional symptoms in young people: Treatment rationale and pilot results.
Eskildsen, S. F., Gyldensted, L., Nagenthiraja, K., Hansen, M. B., Dalby, R. B., Frandsen, J., Rodell, A., Gyldensted, C., Jespersen, S. N., Mouridsen, K., Brændgaard, H. & Østergaard, L. (2016).
Capillary dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease correlates with cognitive decline. Abstract from 10th FENS FORUM of Neuroscience 2016, København, Denmark.
Nielsen, R. B., Egefjord, L., Eskildsen, S. F., Møller, A., Brændgaard, H., Jensen, M. G., Brock, B., Rungby, J. & Østergaard, L. (2016).
Disruption of microvascular flow-patterns in Alzheimer's disease correlates with neurodegeneration and cognitive decline. Abstract from 10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience 2016.
Hjerrild, S., Renvillard, S. G., Leutscher, P., Sørensen, L. H., Østergaard, L., Eskildsen, S. F. & Videbech, P. (2016).
Reduced cerebral cortical thickness in Non-cirrhotic patients with hepatitis C.
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Garza-Villarreal, E. A., Mallar, C., Hansen, B., Eskildsen, S. F., Devenyi, G. A., Castillo-Padilla, D., Balducci-Garcia, T., Reyes-Zamorano, E.
, Jespersen, S. N., Perez-Palacios, P., Patel, R. & Gonzalez-Olvera, J. J. (2016).
The effect of crack cocaine addiction on the microstructure and morphology of the human striatum and thalamus using novel shape analysis and fast diffusion kurtosis imaging. (066647 ed.)
Østergaard, L., Jespersen, S. N., Engedal, T. S., Jiménez, E. G., Ashkanian, M., Hansen, M. B., Eskildsen, S. & Mouridsen, K. (2015).
Capillary dysfunction: Its detection and causative role in dementias and stroke.
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Eskildsen, S. F., Gyldensted, L., Nagenthiraja, K., Hansen, M. B., Dalby, R. B., Frandsen, J., Rodell, A., Gyldensted, C., Jespersen, S. N., Mouridsen, K., Brændgaard, H. & Østergaard, L. (2015).
Cortical capillary dysfunction in patients suspected of Alzheimer’s disease. Abstract from The Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2015, Washington D.C., United States.
Coupé, P., Fonov, V. S., Bernard, C., Zandifar, A.
, Eskildsen, S. F., Helmer, C., Manjón, J. V., Amieva, H., Dartigues, J.-F., Allard, M., Catheline, G., Collins, D. L. & Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2015).
Detection of Alzheimer's disease signature in MR images seven years before conversion to dementia: Toward an early individual prognosis.
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GABA Levels Are Decreased After Stroke and GABA Changes During Rehabilitation Correlate With Motor Improvement.
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Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Tietze, A., Mikkelsen, I. K., Petersen, M., Blicher, J. U., Coupé, P., Manjón, J. V.
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Bron, E. E., Smits, M., van der Flier, W. M., Vrenken, H., Barkhof, F., Scheltens, P., Papma, J. M., Steketee, R. M. E., Méndez Orellana, C., Meijboom, R., Pinto, M., Meireles, J. R., Garrett, C., Bastos-Leite, A. J., Abdulkadir, A., Ronneberger, O., Amoroso, N., Bellotti, R., Cárdenas-Peña, D. ... for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2015).
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Næss-Schmidt, E., Blicher, J., Tietze, A., Eskildsen, S. F., Hansen, B., Lund, T. E., Østergaard, L. & Nielsen, J. F. (2014).
Biomarkers in the brain after mTBI: A multimodal MRI study. Poster session presented at 8th World Congress for NeuroRehabilitation, Istanbul, Turkey.
Østergaard, L., Engedal, T. S., Aamand, R., Mikkelsen, R., Iversen, N. K., Anzabi, M., Næss-Schmidt, E., Drasbek, K. R., Bay, V., Blicher, J., Tietze, A., Mikkelsen, I. K., Hansen, B., Jespersen, S. N., Juul, N., Sørensen, J. CH. & Rasmussen, M. (2014).
Capillary transit time heterogeneity and flow-metabolism coupling after traumatic brain injury.
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Eskildsen, S. F., Gyldensted, L., Nagenthiraja, K., Hansen, M., Dalby, R., Frandsen, J., Rodell, A., Gyldensted, C., Jespersen, S. N., Mouridsen, K., Brændgaard, H. & Østergaard, L. (2014).
Capillary transit time heterogeneity in the cerebrum correlate with cognitive decline in AD.
Eskildsen, S. F., Coupé, P., Fonov, V. & Collins, D. L. (2014).
Detecting Alzheimer’s disease by morphological MRI using hippocampal grading and cortical thickness. In E. Bron, M. Smits, J. van Swieten, W. Niessen & S. Klein (Eds.),
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Mohades, S., Mathotaarachchi, S. S., Parent, M., Shin, M., Wang, S., Benedet, A. L., Leuzy, A., Beaudry, T., Zimmer, E. R., Cheewakriengkrai, L., Farajat, D., Fonov, V.
, Eskildsen, S. F., Gauthier, S. & Rosa-Neto, P. (2014).
Hypometabolism and cortical atrophy in [18F]florbetapir accumulators and non-accumulators: Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association.
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Neurodegeneration and cortical atrophy in [18F]florbetapir accumulators and non-accumulators: Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association.
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Manjón, J. V.
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Mathotaarachchi, S. S., Mohades, S., Zimmer, E. R., Carbonell, F., Beaudry, T., Parent, M., Benedet, A. L., Wang, S., Shin, M., Fonov, V. S., Cheewakriengkrai, L., Leuzy, A., Schilling, L. P., Manitsirikul, S.
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Regional association maps describe dynamic architecture of amyloidosis and hypometabolism in Alzheimer's disease: Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association.
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Mathotaarachchi, S. S., Mohades, S., Zimmer, E. R., Carbonell, F., Beaudry, T., Parent, M., Benedet, A. L., Wang, S., Shin, M., Fonov, V., Cheewakriengkrai, L., Leuzy, A., Schilling, L. P., Manitsirikul, S.
, Eskildsen, S. F., Kang, M. S., Gauthier, S. & Rosa-Neto, P. (2014).
Regional association maps describe dynamic architecture of amyloidosis and hypometabolism in Alzheimer’s disease: Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association.
Eskildsen, S. F., Næss-Schmidt, E., Blicher, J., Lund, T. E. & Tietze, A. (2014).
Thalamus segmentation from MP2RAGE: a comparative study. Abstract from 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Hamburg, Germany.
Schilling, L. P., Zimmer, E. R., Leuzy, A., Benedet, A. L., Pascoal, T., Mohades, S., Mathotaarachch, S., Cheewakriengkrai, L., Shin, M., Parent, M., Kang, M. S., Manitsirikul, S., Farajat, D., Wang, S., Di Ciero, J., Beaudry, T.
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White matter abnormalities and structural parietal disconnections in Alzheimer's disease.
Aubert-Broche, B., Fonov, V., García-Lorenzo, D., Mouiha, A., Guizard, N., Coupé, P.
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A new method for structural volume analysis of longitudinal brain MRI data and its application in studying the growth trajectories of anatomical brain structures in childhood.
Mohades, S., Dubois, J., Parent, M., Cheewakriengkrai, L., Rowley, J., Shin, M., Beaudry, T.
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Association between cortical thickness and CSF biomarkers in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. Abstract from Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Boston, United States.
Dauar, M., Rowley, J., Mohades, S., Shin, M., Leuzy, A., Wu, L., Cheewakriengkrai, L.
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Association between memory and amyloid deposition–synaptic dysfunction in people with EMCI, LMCI and Alzheimer’s disease. Abstract from Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Boston, United States.
Frick, A., Howner, K., Fischer, H.
, Eskildsen, S. F., Kristiansson, M. & Furmark, T. (2013).
Cortical thickness alterations in social anxiety disorder.
Neuroscience Letters,
Eskildsen, S. F., Gyldensted, L., Nagenthiraja, K., Frandsen, J.
, Rodell, A., Gyldensted, C., Jespersen, S. N., Mouridsen, K., Brændgaard, H. & Østergaard, L. (2013).
Increased cerebral oxygen extraction capacity in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Abstract from Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Boston, United States.
Blicher, J., Near, J.
, Næss-Schmidt, E., Østergaard, L., Johansen-Berg, H. & Ho, Y.-C. L. (2013).
Intracortical GABA is decreased after stroke and further suppressed with successful rehabilitation. Abstract from World Congress of Neurology, Vienna, Austria.
Eskildsen, S. F., Coupé, P., García-Lorenzo, D., Fonov, V., Pruessner, J. C., Collins, D. L. & The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2013).
Prediction of Alzheimer's disease in subjects with mild cognitive impairment from the ADNI cohort using patterns of cortical thinning.
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Østergaard, L., Aamand, R., Karabegovic, S., Tietze, A., Blicher, J. U., Mikkelsen, I. K., Iversen, N. K., Secher, N., Engedal, T. S., Anzabi, M., Jimenez, E. G., Cai, C., Koch, K. U., Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Obel, A.
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The role of the microcirculation in delayed cerebral ischemia and chronic degenerative changes after subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism,
33(12), 1825-37.
Rowley, J., Fonov, V.
, Wu, O., Eskildsen, S. F., Schoemaker, D., Wu, L., Mohades, S., Shin, M., Sziklas, V., Cheewakriengkrai, L., Shmuel, A., Dagher, A., Gauthier, S., Rosa-Neto, P. & for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2013).
White Matter Abnormalities and Structural Hippocampal Disconnections in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease.
8(9), e74776.
Aubert-Broche, B., Fonov, V. S., García-Lorenzo, D., Mouiha, A., Guizard, N., Coupé, P.
, Eskildsen, S. F. & Collins, D. L. (2012).
A New Framework for Analyzing Structural Volume Changes of Longitudinal Brain MRI Data: Spatio-temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data. In S. Durrleman, T. Fletcher, G. Gerig & M. Niethammer (Eds.),
Spatio-temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data (Vol. 7570, pp. 50-62). Springer.
Eskildsen, S. F., Coupé, P., Fonov, V., Manjón, J. V., Leung, K. K., Guizard, N., Wassef, S. N., Østergaard, L. R. & Collins, D. L. (2012).
BEaST: brain extraction based on nonlocal segmentation technique.
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Eskildsen, S. F., Coupé, P., García-Lorenzo, D., Fonov, V., Pruessner, J. C. & Collins, D. L. (2012).
Improving prediction of Alzheimer’s disease using patterns of cortical thinning and homogenizing images according to disease stage. Paper presented at Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Nice, France.
Fonov, V., Coupé, P.
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Multi-atlas labeling with population-specific template and non-local patch-based label fusion. Paper presented at Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Nice, France.
Coupe, P., Manjon, J., Fonov, V.
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Patch-Based Morphometry: Application to Alzheimer’s Disease. Abstract from Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Tardif, C. L., Bedell, B. J.
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Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of cortical multiple sclerosis pathology.
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Frøkjær, J. B., Bouwense, S. A. W.
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SNIPE: A New Method to Identify Imaging Biomarker for Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease. Paper presented at Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Nice, France.
Guizard, N., Fonov, V. S., García-Lorenzo, D., Aubert-Broche, B.
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Spatio-temporal Regularization for Longitudinal Registration to an Unbiased 3D Individual Template. In S. Durrleman, T. Fletcher, G. Gerig & M. Niethammer (Eds.),
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Eskildsen, S. F., Manjón, J. V., Coupé, P., Fonov, V. & Collins, D. L. (2012).
Superresolution improves MRI cortical segmentation with FACE. Abstract from Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China.
Howner, K.
, Eskildsen, S. F., Fischer, H., Dierks, T., Wahlund, L.-O., Jonsson, T., Wiberg, M. K. & Kristiansson, M. (2012).
Thinner cortex in the frontal lobes in mentally disordered offenders.
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Eskildsen, S. F., Coupé, P., Leung, K. K., Fonov, V., Guizard, N., Wassef, S. N., Østergaard, L. R. & Collins, D. L. (2011).
BEaST: brain extraction using multiresolution nonlocal segmentation. In
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Spenger, C.
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Cortical atrophy rates in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment from the ADNI study.
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Eskildsen, S. F., Westman, E., Gwadry-Sridhar, F., Julin, P., Sjögren, N., Muehlboeck, S., Wahlund, L.-O., Tsolaki, M., Soininen, H., Mecocci, P., Kloszewska, I., Vellas, B., Lovestone, S., Simmons, A. & Spenger, C. (2011).
Cortical thinning patterns in Alzheimer's patients and subjects with mild cognitive impairment from the AddNeuroMed study.
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Eskildsen, S. F., Westman, E., Gwadry-Sridhar, F., Julin, P., Sjögren, N., Muehlboeck, S., Wahlund, L.-O., Tsolaki, M., Soininen, H., Mecocci, P., Kloszewska, I., Vellas, B., Lovestone, S., Simmons, A. & Spenger, C. (2011).
Cortical thinning patterns in Alzheimer's patients and subjects with mild cognitive impairment from the AddNeuroMed study.
Eskildsen, S. F., Coupe, P., Fonov, V., Østergaard, L. R. & Collins, D. L. (2011).
Effect of non-local means denoising on cortical segmentation accuracy with FACE. In
Abstracts, 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization on Human Brain Mapping, HBM 2011, 26-30 June 2011, Quebec City, Canada (pp. No. 673)
Coupe, P., Fonov, V.
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Influence of the Training Library Composition on a Patch-based label fusion method: Application to Hippocampus Segmentation on the ADNI dataset. Abstract from Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Paris, France.
Järnum, H.
, Eskildsen, S. F., Steffensen, E. G., Lundbye-Christensen, S., Simonsen, C. W., Thomsen, I. S., Fründ, E.-T., Theberge, J. & Larsson, E.-M. (2011).
Longitudinal MRI study of cortical thickness, perfusion, and metabolite levels in major depressive disorder.
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Eskildsen, S. F., Fonov, V., Coupe, P., Østergaard, L. R. & Collins, L. (2011).
Prediction of MCI converters in the ADNI cohort using patterns of cortical thinning.
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Cichosz, S. L., Vangsgaard, S., Jørgensen, A. S., Kannik, K. E., Steffensen, E.
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Brain tumor segmentation from MRI: a comparative study. In Y. Xiao, R. Muffoletto & T. Amon (Eds.),
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conferences: Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2010, Visual Communication 2010, Web Virtual Reality and Three-dimensional Worlds 2010, IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS, 27-29 July 2010, Freiburg, Germany (pp. 401-406)
Lunau, L. A., Mouridsen, K., Rodell, A., Nielsen, J., Isaacs, A., Brown, J.
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