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Wallentin, M., Vuust, P., Mouridsen, K., Dohn, A., Nielsen, A. H., Roepstorff, A. & Lund, T. E. (2009).
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Dalby, R. B., Tehrani, E., Ahdidan, J., Sørensen, L. H., Østergaard, L., Rosenberg, R. & Videbech, P. (2006).
White Matter Lesions in Late-Onset Major Depression. Poster session presented at Second Dual Congress on Psychiatry and the Neurosciences, Athen, Greece.
Dalby, R. B., Frandsen, J., Sørensen, L.
, Rosenberg, R., Østergaard, L. & Videbech, P. (2011).
White Matter Lesions in Late-Onset Major Depression. Poster session presented at Dansk Psykiatrisk Selskabs Årsmøde 2011, Nyborg, Denmark.
Dalby, R. B., Madsen, J. A., Frandsen, J., Sørensen, L., Tehrani, E., Rosenberg, R., Østergaard, L. & Videbech, P. (2008).
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Dalby, R. B., Madsen, J. A., Chakravarty, MM., Sørensen, L.
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White matter lesions and cerebral perfusion imaging in late-onset major depression. Poster session presented at ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition, Honolulu, United States.
Hansen, B., Khan, A. R., Shemesh, N.
, Lund, T. E., Sangill, R., Østergaard, L. & Jespersen, S. N. (2017).
White Matter Biomarkers from Fast Protocols Using Axially Symmetric Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging. In
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Hansen, B., Khan, A. R., Shemesh, N.
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White matter biomarkers from fast protocols using axially symmetric diffusion kurtosis imaging.
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Hansen, B., Khan, A. R., Shemesh, N.
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White matter biomarkers from fast protocols using axially symmetric diffusion kurtosis imaging.
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Rowley, J., Fonov, V.
, Wu, O., Eskildsen, S. F., Schoemaker, D., Wu, L., Mohades, S., Shin, M., Sziklas, V., Cheewakriengkrai, L., Shmuel, A., Dagher, A., Gauthier, S., Rosa-Neto, P. & for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2013).
White Matter Abnormalities and Structural Hippocampal Disconnections in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease.
8(9), e74776.
Blicher, J., Stagg, C. J., O'Shea, J.
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Visualization of altered neurovascular coupling in chronic stroke patients using multimodal functional MRI.
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Røhl, L., Østergaard, L., Simonsen, C. Z., Vestergaard-Poulsen, P., Andersen, G., Le Bihan, D.
& Gyldensted, C. (2000).
Viability Thresholds of the Penumbra of Acute Human Ischemic Stroke Defined from rCBF and rCBV.
Proc ISMRM, 452-452.
Røhl, L., Østergaard, L., Simonsen, C. Z., Vestergaard-Poulsen, P., Andersen, G., Sakoh, M., Le Bihan, D.
& Gyldensted, C. (2001).
Viability thresholds of ischemic penumbra of hyperacute stroke defined by perfusion-weighted MRI and apparent diffusion coefficient.
32, 1140-1146.
Emblem, K. E.
, Mouridsen, K., Bjørnerud, A., Farrar, C. T., Jennings, D., Borra, R. J. H., Wen, P. Y., Ivy, P., Batchelor, T. T., Rosen, B. R., Jain, R. K. & Sorensen, A. G. (2013).
Vessel Architectural Imaging Identifies Cancer Patient Responders to Anti-angiogenic Therapy.
Nature Medicine.
Hermitte, L., Cho, T.-H., Ozenne, B., Nighoghossian, N.
, Mikkelsen, I. K., Ribe, L., Baron, J.-C.
, Østergaard, L., Derex, L.
, Hjort, N., Fiehler, J., Pedraza, S., Hermier, M., Maucort-Boulch, D. & Berthezène, Y. (2013).
Very Low Cerebral Blood Volume Predicts Parenchymal Hematoma in Acute Ischemic Stroke.
Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation,
44(8), 2318-2320.
Frindel, C., Rouanet, A., Giacalone, M., Cho, T.-H.
, Østergaard, L., Fiehler, J., Pedraza, S., Baron, J.-C., Wiart, M., Berthezène, Y., Nighoghossian, N. & Rousseau, D. (2015).
Validity of shape as a predictive biomarker of final infarct volume in acute ischemic stroke.
Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation,
46(4), 976-81.
Ambrosen, K. S.
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Validation of structural brain connectivity networks: The impact of scanning parameters.
204, Article 116207.
Lundell, H., Dyrby, T., Hubbard Cristinacce, P., Zhou, F.-L., Parker, G.
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Validation of Double Diffusion Schemes of Microscopic Fractional Anisotropy. Abstract from ISMRM 2015 23rd Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
Sølling, C., Johnsen, S. P., Ehlers, L., Østergaard, L. & Andersen, G. (2009).
Upgraded acute stroke care including thrombolysis is associated with reduced length of hospital stay among non-stroke patients.
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Nielsen, T., Nielsen, N. C., Holm, T. H., Ostergaard, L., Horsman, M. R. & Busk, M. (2013).
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Acta Oncologica,
52(7), 1287-1292.
Sølling, C., Hjort, N., Ashkanian, M., Weitzel-Mudersbach, P. V., Østergaard, L. & Andersen, G. (2006).
Trombolyse af apopleksipatienter: første års erfaringer og resultater på Århus Sygehus.
Ugeskrift for Læger,
168(25), 2452-2456.
Behrndtz, A., Blauenfeldt, R. A., Johnsen, S. P., Valentin, J. B.
, Gude, M. F., Ahmad Al-Jazi, M., von Weitzel-Mudersbach, P.
, Modrau, B., Damgaard, D., Dupont Hougaard, K., Hjort, N., Diedrichsen, T.
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54(11), 2714-2723.
Iversen, P., Keiding, S., Mouridsen, K., Ott, P. & Vilstrup, H. (2011).
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt does not alter cerebral blood flow.
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
9(11), 1001-3.
Nielsen, T., Maxwell, R. J.
, Stødkilde-Jørgensen, H., Østergaard, L. & Horsman, M. R. (2006).
Transfer constant and plasma volume fraction in dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging: different dependencies on tumour model, size, and antivascular treatment. Abstract from 13th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Miami, United States.
Wu, O., Østergaard, L., Koroshetz, W. J., Schwamm, L. H., ODonnell, J., Schaefer, P. W., Rosen, B. R., Weisskoff, R. M. & Sorensen, A. G. (2003).
Tracer arrival timing insensitive technique for estimating flow in MR perfusion-weighted imaging using singular value decomposition with a block-circulant deconvolution matrix.
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,
50(1), 164-174.
Mouridsen, K., Djennings, D., Galesca, E., Gerstner, E., Batchelor, T. & Sorensen, A. G. (2010).
Towards Robust and Automated Identification of Vascular Input Function in DCE-MRI. Paper presented at ISMRM, Stockholm, Sweden.
Cho, T.-H., Hermier, M., Alawneh, J. A., Ritzenthaler, T., Desestret, V.
, Østergaard, L., Derex, L., Baron, J.-C. & Nighoghossian, N. (2009).
Total mismatch: negative diffusion-weighted imaging but extensive perfusion defect in acute stroke.
Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation,
40(10), 3400-2.
Vuust, P., Pallesen, K. J., Bailey, C., van Zuijen, T.
, Gjedde, A., Roepstorff, A. & Østergaard, L. (2005).
To musicians, the message is in the meter: Pre-attentive neuronal responses to incongruent rhythm are left-lateralized in musicians.
24(2), 560-4.
Bay, V., Iversen, N. K., Jabbari, M., Tasker, A., Wegener, G. & Ardalan, M. (2021).
Tissue processing and optimal visualization of cerebral infarcts following sub-acute focal ischemia in rats.
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Røhl, L., Sakoh, M.
, Simonsen, C. Z., Vestergaard-Poulsen, P., Sangill, R., Sørensen, J. C. H., Bjarkam, C., Gyldensted, C. & Østergaard, L. (2002).
Time evolution of cerebral perfusion and apparent diffusion coefficient measured by magnetic resonance imaging in a porcine stroke model.
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
15(2), 123-9.
Lynge Olesen, J.
, Hansen, B., Shemesh, N.
& Jespersen, S. N. (2017).
Time dependence of kurtosis and intra-and extra-axonal diffusivity using axisymmetric diffusion kurtosis imaging. Poster session presented at ISMRM Workshop on Quantitative MRI in White Matter Disorders: Useful, Usable, Used?, Vancouver, Canada.
Howner, K.
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Thinner cortex in the frontal lobes in mentally disordered offenders.
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging,
203(2-3), 126-131.
Østergaard, L. R.
, Eskildsen, S. F., Nielsen, J., Holmberg, A., Larsen, E. H., Fabrin, K., Fisker, R. & Carl, J. (2010).
The use of a prostate stent for MR-CT registration in image-guided radiotherapy of prostate cancer.
Radiotherapy & Oncology,
96(Suppl. 1), S 417-S 418, No. 1238.
Østergaard, L., Aamand, R., Karabegovic, S., Tietze, A., Blicher, J. U., Mikkelsen, I. K., Iversen, N. K., Secher, N., Engedal, T. S., Anzabi, M., Jimenez, E. G., Cai, C., Koch, K. U., Næss-Schmidt, E. T., Obel, A.
, Juul, N., Rasmussen, M. & Sørensen, J. C. H. (2013).
The role of the microcirculation in delayed cerebral ischemia and chronic degenerative changes after subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism,
33(12), 1825-37.
Østergaard, L., Jespersen, S. N., Mouridsen, K., Mikkelsen, I. K., Jónsdóttir, K. Ý., Tietze, A., Blicher, J., Aamand, R., Hjort, N., Iversen, N. K., Cai, C., Hougaard, K. D., Simonsen, C. Z., Weitzel-Mudersbach, P. V., Modrau, B., Nagenthiraja, K., Ribe, L. R., Hansen, M. B., Bekke, S. L. ... Andersen, G. (2013).
The role of the cerebral capillaries in acute ischemic stroke: the extended penumbra model.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism,
33(5), 635.
Gu, T., Just, J., Stenz, K. T., Yan, Y., Sieljacks, P., Wang, J., Groennebaek, T. S., Jakobsgaard, J. E., Rindom, E., Herskind, J., Gravholt, A.
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... Drasbek, K. R. (2022).
The Role of Plasma Extracellular Vesicles in Remote Ischemic Conditioning and Exercise-Induced Ischemic Tolerance.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences ,
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Østergaard, L., Kristiansen, S. B., Angleys, H., Frøkiær, J., Michael Hasenkam, J., Jespersen, S. N. & Bøtker, H. E. (2014).
The role of capillary transit time heterogeneity in myocardial oxygenation and ischemic heart disease. Basic Research in Cardiology,
109(3), Article 409.
Ismail, R., Parbo, P., Madsen, L. S., Hansen, A. K., Hansen, K. V., Schaldemose, J. L., Kjeldsen, P. L., Stokholm, M. G., Gottrup, H., Eskildsen, S. F. & Brooks, D. J. (2020).
The relationships between neuroinflammation, beta-amyloid and tau deposition in Alzheimer's disease: a longitudinal PET study.
Journal of Neuroinflammation,
17(1), Article 151.
Østergaard, L., Tietze, A., Nielsen, T., Drasbek, K. R., Mouridsen, K., Jespersen, S. N. & Horsman, M. R. (2013).
The relationship between tumor blood flow, angiogenesis, tumor hypoxia, and aerobic glycolysis.
Cancer Research,
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Christensen, S., Wu, O., Butcher, K.
, Hjort, N., Karstoft, H., Davis, S.
& Østergaard, L. (2006).
The Physiological Significance of the Tmax Parameter in Bolus Tracking MRI. Abstract from ISMRM 14th Annual Meeting, Seattle, United States.
Calamante, F., Christensen, S., Desmond, PM.
, Østergaard, L., Davis, SM. & Connelly, A. (2010).
The physiological significance of the time-to-maximum (Tmax) parameter in perfusion MRI. Stroke,
41(6), 1169-74.
Modrau, B.
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, Yavarian, Y., Mouridsen, K., Østergaard, L., Bach, F. W.
& Hjort, N. (2020).
Theophylline as an Add-On to Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial.
51(7), 1983-1990.
Jacobs, T., Jacobson, S. R., Fortea, J., Berger, J. S., Vedvyas, A., Marsh, K., He, T.
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The neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio associates with markers of Alzheimer’s disease pathology in cognitively unimpaired elderly people.
Immunity & ageing ,
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Sandgaard, A. D., Shemesh, N.
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The Larmor frequency shift of a white matter magnetic microstructure model with multiple sources.
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Oettingen, G. V., Bergholt, B., Østergaard, L., Rasmussen, M., Gyldensted, C. & Astrup, J. (2000).
The influence of the input function on quantitative rCBF by the Xe/CT method.
Keio Journal of Medicine,
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Vestergaard-Poulsen, P., Jakobsen, R.
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& Østergaard, L. (2004).
The importance of transverse relaxation in modeling water self diffusion in brain tissue. Poster session presented at International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Kyoto, 2004.
Secher, N., Østergaard, L., Tønnesen, E. K. & Granfeldt, A. (2015).
The Impact of Age on Coronary Perfusion, Cardiac Function and Inflammation in a Rat Model of Ashpyxial Cardiac Arrest. Poster session presented at American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2015, Orlando, Florida, Denmark.
Bro, A.
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, Deding, D., Ettrup, K. S., Jensen, K. N., Jørgensen, R. L., Glud, A. N., Meidahl, A. C. N., Meier, K., Moberg Fitting, L., Møller, A., Alstrup, A. K. O., Østergaard, L. & Bjarkam, C. R. (2012).
The Göttingen minipig in translational neuroscience.
Ellegaard Newsletter,
38, 8-9.
Garza Villarreal, E. A., Brattico, E., Leino, S.
, Østergaard, L. & Vuust, P. (2009).
The frontal ERAN and temporal MMN: Two different brain responses to violations in chord progressions.. Poster session presented at Braintuning Workshop 2009, Helsinki, Finland.
Hollyer, T. R., Bordoni, L., Kousholt, B. S., van Luijk, J., Ritskes-Hoitinga, M.
& Østergaard, L. (2019).
The evidence for the physiological effects of lactate on the cerebral microcirculation: a systematic review.
Journal of Neurochemistry,
148(6), 712-730.
Gutiérrez-Jiménez, E., Angleys, H., Rasmussen, P. M., Mikkelsen, I. K., Mouridsen, K. & Østergaard, L. (2018).
The effects of hypercapnia on cortical capillary transit time heterogeneity (CTH) in anesthetized mice.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism,
38(2), 290-303. Article 271678X17692598.
Østergaard, L., Finnerup, N. B., Terkelsen, A. J., Olesen, R. A., Drasbek, K. R., Knudsen, L., Jespersen, S. N., Frystyk, J., Charles, M., Thomsen, R. W., Christiansen, J. S., Beck-Nielsen, H.
, Jensen, T. S. & Andersen, H. (2015).
The effects of capillary dysfunction on oxygen and glucose extraction in diabetic neuropathy.
58(4), 666-677.
Garza-Villarreal, E. A., Mallar, C., Hansen, B., Eskildsen, S. F., Devenyi, G. A., Castillo-Padilla, D., Balducci-Garcia, T., Reyes-Zamorano, E.
, Jespersen, S. N., Perez-Palacios, P., Patel, R. & Gonzalez-Olvera, J. J. (2016).
The effect of crack cocaine addiction on the microstructure and morphology of the human striatum and thalamus using novel shape analysis and fast diffusion kurtosis imaging. (066647 ed.)
Garza-Villarreal, E. A., Chakravarty, M. M.
, Hansen, B., Eskildsen, S. F., Devenyi, G. A., Castillo-Padilla, D., Balducci-Garcia, T., Reyes-Zamorano, E.
, Jespersen, S. N., Perez-Palacios, P., Patel, R. & Gonzalez-Olvera, J. J. (2017).
The effect of crack cocaine addiction and age on the microstructure and morphology of the human striatum and thalamus using shape analysis and fast diffusion kurtosis imaging.
Translational Psychiatry,
7(5), Article 1122.
Arlander, B. A., Heiberg, J., Østergaard, L., Ringgaard, S. & Hjortdal, V. E. (2017).
The effect of congenital heart disease on cerebral function and comorbidity in adulthood. Poster session presented at 27th Annual Meeting, Scandinavian Society for Research in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Geilo, Norway.
Arsava, E. M.
, Hansen, M. B., Kaplan, B., Peker, A., Gocmen, R., Arat, A., Oguz, K. K., Topcuoglu, M. A.
, Østergaard, L. & Dalkara, T. (2018).
The effect of carotid artery stenting on capillary transit time heterogeneity in patients with carotid artery stenosis.
European Stroke Journal,
3(3), 263-271.
Gutiérrez-Jiménez, E., Fruekilde, S., Rasmussen, P. M., Mikkelsen, I. K., Iversen, N. K., Bordoni, L., Fossati, S., Ramos-Cejudo, J., Sakadzic, S.
& Østergaard, L. (2019).
The effect of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors in brain microcirculation of the Tg-SwDI model of Alzheimer's disease.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism,
39(1_suppl), Article PB02-O02.
Thorup, A. A. E., Hemager, N.
, Bliksted, V. F., Greve, A. N., Ohland, J., Wilms, M., Rohd, S. B.
, Birk, M., Bundgaard, A. F., Laursen, A. F., Jefsen, O. H., Steffensen, N. L., Andreassen, A. K., Veddum, L., Knudsen, C. B., Enevoldsen, M., Nymand, M., Brandt, J. M., Søndergaard, A. ... Nordentoft, M. (2022).
The Danish High-Risk and Resilience Study-VIA 15 - A Study Protocol for the Third Clinical Assessment of a Cohort of 522 Children Born to Parents Diagnosed With Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder and Population-Based Controls.
Frontiers in Psychiatry,
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Thorup, A. A. E., Hemager, N., Sondergaard, A., Gregersen, M., Prosch, A. K., Krantz, M. F., Brandt, J. M., Carmichael, L., Melau, M., Ellersgaard, D. V., Burton, B. K.
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The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study-VIA 11: Study Protocol for the First Follow-Up of the VIA 7 Cohort -522 Children Born to Parents With Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders or Bipolar Disorder and Controls Being Re-examined for the First Time at Age 11.
Frontiers in Psychiatry,
9, Article 661.
Danielsen, E. H., Cumming, P., Andersen, F.
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The DaNeX Study of Embryonic Mesencephalic Dopaminergic Tissue Grafted to a Minipig model of Parkinson's disease: Preliminary Findings of Effect of MPTP-Poisoning on Striatal Dopaminergic Markers.
Cell Transplantation,
9(2), 247-259.
Leigland, L.
, Jespersen, S. N., Taber, E., Bock, A., Cornea, A., Olivierra, J. & Kroenke, C. (2010).
The Complexity of Dendritic Arbors in the Developing Cerebral Cortex Determined by Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Abstract from 51st Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference.
Østergaard, L., Aamand, R., Gutiérrez Jiménez, E., Ho, Y. C. L., Blicher, J., Madsen, S. M., Nagenthiraja, K., Dalby, R. B., Drasbek, K. R., Møller, A., Brændgaard, H., Mouridsen, K., Jespersen, S. N., Jensen, M. S. & West, M. J. (2013).
The capillary dysfunction hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease.
Neurobiology of Aging,
34(4), 1018-31.
Larsen, S. A., Olsen, A., Gems, D.
, Drasbek, K. R. & Kristensen, P. (2010).
The activity of the proteasome during the lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans and its relation to longevity. Poster session presented at
FEBS/ SFRR-E/ IUBM Advanced Lecture Course "Protein maintenance and turnover in ageing & diseases", Spetses, Greece.
Eskildsen, S. F., Næss-Schmidt, E., Blicher, J., Lund, T. E. & Tietze, A. (2014).
Thalamus segmentation from MP2RAGE: a comparative study. Abstract from 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Hamburg, Germany.
Olesen, J. L., Ianus, A.
, Østergaard, L., Shemesh, N.
& Jespersen, S. N. (2023).
Tensor denoising of multidimensional MRI data.
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,
89(3), 1160-1172.
Vuust, P., Wallentin, M., Mouridsen, K., Østergaard, L. & Roepstorff, A. (2011).
Tapping polyrhythms in music activates language areas.
Neuroscience Letters,
494(3), 211-216.
Emblem, K. E., Bjornerud, A.
, Mouridsen, K., Borra, R. J. H., Batchelor, T. T., Jain, R. K. & Sorensen, A. G. (2011).
T(1)- and T(2)(*)-dominant extravasation correction in DSC-MRI: part II-predicting patient outcome after a single dose of cediranib in recurrent glioblastoma patients.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism,
31(10), 2054-64.
Kudo, K., Sasaki, M.
, Østergaard, L., Christensen, S., Uwano, I., Suzuki, M., Ogasawara, K., Shirato, H. & Ogawa, A. (2011).
Susceptibility of T(max) to tracer delay on perfusion analysis: quantitative evaluation of various deconvolution algorithms using digital phantoms.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism,
31(3), 908-912.
Eskildsen, S. F., Manjón, J. V., Coupé, P., Fonov, V. & Collins, D. L. (2012).
Superresolution improves MRI cortical segmentation with FACE. Abstract from Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China.
Iversen, N. K., Frische, S., Thomsen, K., Laustsen, C., Pedersen, M., Hansen, P. B. L., Bie, P., Fresnais, J., Berret, J.-F.
, Baatrup, E. & Wang, T. (2013).
Superparamagnetic iron oxide polyacrylic acid coated γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles do not affect kidney function but cause acute effect on the cardiovascular function in healthy mice.
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology,
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Garza Villarreal, E. A., Brattico, E., Vase, L., Østergaard, L. & Vuust, P. (2012).
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